12 March, 2025

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You Can Read YOUCAT in Swahili

Translation by Sisters of Saint Paul

You Can Read YOUCAT in Swahili

You can read YOUCAT in Swahili.

The YOUCAT is a catechism for young people and young adults based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The fundamental elements of the Catholic faith are summarised in a brief and easily comprehensible style. And the book, which is now available in 58 different languages, is made still more accessible by the attractive illustrations.

YOUCAT in Swahili
Sr. Olga Hassango hands in the YOUCAT books in Swahili to Brother Linus Scheutsen

The religious congregation of the Sisters of Saint Paul have now translated the book into Swahili so that it can be made available to young people in Tanzania and Kenya as well. The translation was finally finished by the end of 2019, to the great joy of the sisters. But then the pandemic struck, making everything so much harder. The sisters had had great plans. They had intended to visit the schools and present the book to the pupils’ teachers and parents. Youth meetings had been planned and numerous other activities within the context of the diocesan youth apostolates. Sadly, all these activities were blocked by the coronavirus outbreak. But now, as soon as the situation allows it, the sisters are committed to resuming their work with the project.

YOUCAT in Swahili
Brother Linus Scheutsen signs the receipt of the copies of the YOUCAT for the prisoners

And despite all these obstacles, many young people are already enjoying the benefits of this book. It is proving particularly valuable in the prison apostolate. Sister Olga Massango, one of the Paulist sisters, writes: „Brother Linus and Brother Paul were delighted with these books and have found them very helpful for our sisters and brothers in the prisons. We are grateful to ACN for having helped us to reach out to those of our brothers and sisters who most need God‘s mercy. Please be assured that we are praying for you and all our benefactors, especially at this time when Covid is continuing to spread fear and uncertainty in today‘s world.“

YOUCAT in Swahili
“Prisoners are people too,” and in Tanzania and Kenya, they are entitled to receive their copies of the YOUCAT in Swahili

Exaudi Staff