12 March, 2025

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Words of encouragement and solidarity in the midst of global challenges

Pope's message after Angelus

Words of encouragement and solidarity in the midst of global challenges
Vatican News

After the Angelus prayer, Pope Francis turned his focus to two nations facing trials: one ravaged by fires and the other engulfed in war. In keeping with the celebration of St Monica, the Pontiff asked for prayers for those mothers “who suffer when their children stray a little or take difficult paths in life”.

After the Angelus

Dear brothers and sisters!

On Thursday, I will set out on a journey for a few days in the heart of Asia, in Mongolia. It is a much-desired visit, which will be an opportunity to embrace a Church that is small in number, but vibrant in faith and great in charity; and also to meet at close quarters a noble, wise people, with a strong religious tradition that I will have the honour of getting to know, especially in the context of an interreligious event. I would not like to address you, brothers and sisters of Mongolia, to tell you that I am happy to travel to be with you as a brother to all. I thank your authorities for their kind invitation, and those who, with great commitment, are preparing for my arrival. I ask all of you to accompany this visit with your prayers.

I assure my remembrance in prayer of the victims of the fires that have broken out in recent days in north-eastern Greece, and I express my solidarity with the Greek people. And let us stay close to the Ukrainian people, who are suffering due to the war, and are suffering a lot: let us not forget Ukraine!

I greet you all, Romans and pilgrims from Italy and many countries.

In particular, I greet the parish group from Madrid; the priests from the diocese of Molfetta-Ruvo-Giovanazzo-Terlizzi, with their bishop; the faithful of San Gaetano da Thiene in Melìa; the families from the quarter of Pizzo Carano di San Cataldo and the cyclists from Ciociaria. I greet the altar servers of the pastoral unit of Codevigo, in the diocese of Padua, on a pilgrimage to Rome with their parish priest.

Today we remember Saint Monica, mother of Saint Augustine: with her prayers and her tears, she asked the Lord for the conversion of her son; a strong woman, a good woman! Let us pray for the many mothers who suffer when their children are a little lost or who find themselves on difficult paths in life.

And I wish you all a good Sunday. Please, do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your lunch, and arrivederci!

Exaudi Staff