Why is the Catholic Church “one”?
Diversity in unity

Father Jairo Yate, priest and investigating judge in the diocese of Ibagué, Colombia, answers the question of why the Catholic Church is “one,” as stated in the Creed.
What does the Second Vatican Council teach?
Christ constitutes his Holy Church, a community of faith, hope, and charity. It is the only Church of Christ. We confess this Church of Christ in the Nicene and Constantinopolitan Creed: as One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. This Church of Christ, travels amidst the persecutions of the world and the consolations of God, announcing the Cross of the Lord until he comes (cf. 1 Corinthians 11:26). (cf. Lumen Gentium 8).
It is the one Church of Christ, our Savior, who after his resurrection entrusted Peter to shepherd it (cf. John 21:17), entrusting him and the other Apostles with its diffusion and government (cf. Matthew 28:18 ff.), and erected it perpetually as the pillar and foundation of truth (cf. 1 Timothy 3:15). This Church, established and organized in this world as a society, subsists in the Catholic Church, governed by the Successor of Peter and by the Bishops in communion with him.
Why is it said that the Church is “one”?
The Catechism of the Catholic Church indicates: The Church is one because of its origin. The model of that principle is God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Church is one because of her “soul”: “The Holy Spirit, who dwells in believers and fills and governs the whole Church, brings about that wonderful communion of the faithful and unites all in Christ so intimately that he is the Principle of the unity of the Church” (UR 2). Therefore, it belongs to the very essence of the Church to be one.
Can there be diversity in the Church?
From the beginning, this Church which is one is presented, however, with a great diversity that comes at the same time from the variety of God’s gifts and from the multiplicity of the persons who receive them.
In the unity of the People of God, different peoples and cultures are brought together. Among the members of the Church there is a diversity of gifts, offices, conditions and ways of life; “within ecclesial communion, there legitimately exist particular Churches with their own traditions” (Lumen Gentium 13). The great richness of this diversity does not oppose the unity of the Church. (cf. Catechism 813 and 814).
The Church is God’s family
Pope Francis says: “The Church is born from God’s desire to call all people to communion with Him, to His friendship, and to participate as children in His divine life.” The very word “Church,” from the Greek ekklesia, means “invitation.” God calls us, invites us to leave behind individualism, the tendency to close in on ourselves, and calls us to be part of His family.
Where does the Church come from?
“It is born from the supreme act of love on the cross, from the pierced side of Jesus, from which flowed blood and water, symbol of the sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist. In the family of God, in the Church, the vital lifeblood is the love of God that is made concrete in loving Him and others, everyone, without distinction or measure” (Pope Francis).
When does the Church manifest itself?
It manifests itself when the gift of the Holy Spirit fills the hearts of the apostles and drives them to go out and begin the journey to announce the Gospel, to spread the love of God (Pope Francis).

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