28 March, 2025

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Who or what do you trust?

Who or what do you trust?

Who or what do you trust?

According to the RAE, the word trust means firm hope that one has in someone or something, it is also mentioned as the security that someone has in themselves. Etymologically, trust comes from the Latin confidentia and can be broken down into con-prefix meaning “together”, “all” or “with”, Fides- meaning “faith” and Anza-suffix meaning “action”. If we put these meanings together, it can be interpreted as “with absolute conviction” or “with all faith”.

In this sense, in the following lines, I will share two brief stories, one public and relatively close and another of a personal nature.

The first is about a successful Peruvian executive, who in his own words when facing and emerging victorious from a tough illness (bone marrow cancer), feels that he has been reborn in the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects. This story begins on Easter Sunday 2024, the date on which he coincidentally entered the medical center where he was admitted for treatment for several months. For this reason, today he is deeply grateful to live, with his circle of trust such as his partner, family, and treating doctors. Without them and a GOD to believe in, it would not have been possible to overcome the disease. Now, seeing him, as he walks through the streets of Lima, a natural smile appears that radiates the word “thank you.”

As for the personal story, I share with you that we have been in an intense search for an apartment for my two oldest daughters who will stay in Buenos Aires. They are two going to continue their higher education in Argentina with the added bonus of being accompanied by Pepi, a 13-year-old Labrador retriever. Due to different circumstances and reasons we could not arrange this rental, including being foreigners, they required a surety bond that can be up to 6 months of rent in cash. The search was fruitless until Florencia “appeared”, a real estate agent who found us the perfect place, but unfortunately we were unable to secure it because we were beaten to the punch. However, from that moment on, Florentina selflessly accompanied us to find the right apartment. So after overcoming various obstacles, including the famous surety bond and getting the owners to trust us when they met us, we found that quiet and cozy space for our older daughters and pet.

Based on these two stories, I share the following reflections.

  • We all face different degrees of difficulty, inconveniences or vicissitudes to face in life, the crux of the matter lies in the attitude and outlook we have towards these.
  • You will always find people willing to give, serve and share, without literally asking for anything in return.
  • Love and empathy are part of the shortest and most direct path to your neighbor.
  • How important it is to trust and not despair, in the broadest sense of both words.

Finally, I share with you some quotes that can help us reflect and answer the question of this article.

  • Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and puts his confidence in Him (Jeremiah 17.7).
  • No one is worthy of love if he is not capable of giving it to others (Seneca 4 BC to 65 AD).
  • GOD’s ways and times are perfect (Popular saying).

Dear reader, I encourage you to display in any aspect of your life, the attitude of the good Samaritan that we all carry within us to give, serve, share and even forgive. Don’t forget to row hard, out to sea and against the current!

Hugo Saldaña Estrada

Gerente de Showroom Ventas en Roca SAC. Veinte años de experiencia, generando valor en empresas transnacionales y de primer nivel a través de la gestión integral de procesos de recursos humanos, tales como selección de talento, estrategias de compensaciones, evaluación del desempeño y gestión del clima laboral.