What is your sentimental balance of 2024?
Think about your year, find joy and gratitude in each achievement, and prepare to welcome 2025 with a new perspective

We are in the last working days of 2024 and in companies there are various activities, both from the business side, and from the management with the collaborators. You experience this from your role as owner, c-level, or collaborator in general.
Regarding business, some companies do the following: they close a couple of weeks before the end of the month, the system associated with receiving invoices, depending on the economic sector in which they are immersed, gives vacations to all their staff, they make the projection of their general balance sheet and profit and loss statement for the year, they have already closed their general and commercial plan for 2025, etc.
Now, from the management side with the collaborators, they usually carry out multiple initiatives associated with recognizing the achievements made, celebrating a lunch or camaraderie meal, activities for the children of the collaborators, volunteering, among others.
Now, based on the points mentioned, I invite you to make a personal closing or assessment of this 2024. I suggest you do this assessment, taking two feelings as pillars. And I have not been wrong, it is a balance of two feelings that I consider to be interrelated, such as: joy and gratitude. It is worth remembering that feelings are personal and non-transferable, they are not temporary, and we express them through small actions, gestures or words.
In this regard, I share with you part of my list, to what some might say are obvious things, but many times we are not aware of these, and we take them for granted or discounted:
- Gratitude for the gifts that GOD constantly gives me, regardless of my struggles and inconsistencies.
- Gratitude for having my complete family.
- Gratitude for being healthy.
- Gratitude for the friends that life gives us, now also in Argentina.
- Gratitude for having a roof, shelter and daily food.
- Gratitude for having the opportunity to have studied this year, some refresher courses at the IAE and above all to meet excellent people, from teachers, professionals and businessmen.
- Joy for being able to visit my mother, for a few days in Peru.
- Joy for the milestones that my daughters are reaching in school and university.
- Joy for the professional achievements of my wife.
- Joy for the different occurrences of my friends in their WhatsApp messages.
- Joy for the recovery of the health of a childhood friend.
- Joy for the temperance of a former boss in the face of adversity in his health.
- Joy for learning to develop the habit of reading.
- Joy for serving those who need a helping hand, although I must practice it more.
So, to finish this short article, I share with you three quotes…
Lord Byron, British poet of the 18th century, “To have joy, one must share it.”
Mariano Aguiló, Spanish poet of the 19th century, “Forget what you have given, to remember what you have received.”
Mother Teresa of Calcutta, “If everyone swept the patio of their house, we would have a clean world.”
What do you say, do you dare to write and share your sources of joy and gratitude, as well as continue rowing against the current?