US: Congress of Hispanic Ministry Set for Late April
Synodality, Lay, Female, and Youth Leadership

Between April 26 and 30, the Sixth National Catholic Congress of Hispanic Ministry in the United States, “Raíces y Alas”, will take place in Washington, DC. It is organized by the National Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry (NCCHM), which brings together the main national Hispanic Ministry institutions in the United States.
Synodality, lay, female, and youth leadership
NCCHM is in a process of dialogue in the Church, synodality, empowerment of lay, female and youth leadership, and joint work. The organization, in a statement released January 27, said it believes that this is a very special moment to make a reality of the outgoing Church, which is listening to respond to the challenges of the times.
It has the particularity of having a national scope -and beyond-, of being profoundly Church-like, and of being organized by lay leadership with the support and accompaniment of the Episcopal Conference of the United States -USCCB- and the participation of personalities from the Episcopal Council. Latin American -CELAM- and the Holy See. Synodality includes the entire people of God in its immense variety and richness, in the same spirit.
Roots and Wings: From the Ecclesial Assembly to the Synod of Bishops
Last November the first continental ecclesial assembly took place in history It was organized by CELAM, for Latin America and the Caribbean, and the main novelty is that it was not “episcopal”, that is, not especially for bishops, but rather it encompassed the entire people of God. One thousand assembly members participated in it, 900 virtually, and 100 in person. 70 national leaders of Hispanic ministry in the United States were virtual assembly members. Most of these leaders from the United States are participating today in the organization of the Raíces y Alas congress, which wants to walk the path of Hispanic ministry in the country and face its great challenges, feeling integrated into the reality lived in the Ecclesial Assembly of Latin America, and with the intention of making a contribution so that the profound message of the Synod of Bishops on Synodalitybe deeply rooted in the Catholic people and bear abundant fruit.
Thus, NCCHM takes the prophetic voice of Pope Francis and hopes to walk the synodal path with him and with the whole Church, following the synodal keys proposed by the Pope at the opening of the Synod: COMMUNION, PARTICIPATION AND MISSION.
Four pastoral priorities from synodality
The Raíces y Alas congress will delve into four pastoral priorities from the synodal spirit:
– Family
– Hispanic Youth Ministry
– Social Justice
– and Pastoral Formation
Pastoral de Conjunto in synodality
“This is the time for Hispanic ministry leadership to discern with our bishops about the actions we are called to take in response to the voices of the V Encuentro. It is a call to action at a time when our people are facing even greater challenges. Things are not the same in our ministries, dioceses, and parishes in the wake of a pandemic that has severely impacted the Hispanic and Black communities. Roots and Wings 2022 will bring together the leaders in the Pastoral de Conjunto, in synodality and in prayer, so that together we can reflect on the pastoral initiatives necessary for the current reality and act accordingly”, according to Elisabeth Román, president of NCCHM and general coordinator of Roots and Wings. She further explained:
Synodality means first of all listening, going to meet the other, sharing, offering oneself…
Synodality means dictating less and sharing decisions.
Synodality means being open to the Holy Spirit in one’s own heart, that of the other and of the people.
Synodality implies deep humility, awareness that God speaks to us through the Holy Scriptures, the Tradition of the Church, her Magisterium, and also the signs of the times.
Synodality implies not believing that we know more than others.
Synodality requires leaving our comfort zone and breaking down the barriers of our structures that do not allow us to open ourselves to the voice of God in our hearts.

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