12 March, 2025

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Unmasking the 2030 Agenda

Jaime Mayor Oreja: "the main objective of the Agenda is the replacement, substitution and destruction of the Christian foundations of our current social order"

Unmasking the 2030 Agenda

NEOS presents its document “Unmasking the 2030 Agenda”, prepared by the NEOS Global Threats working group, under the coordination of Jorge Soley, president of European Dignity Watch, vice president of the Burke Foundation, and trustee of the Pro-life Foundation of Catalonia.

Jaime Mayor Oreja, in the prologue of the document, compares the 2030 Agenda with “a poisoned candy covered in an attractive and seductive wrapper.” The president of NEOS recalled that it is at the core of the 2030 Agenda where its true nature lies: “The main objective of the Agenda is the replacement, substitution, and destruction of the Christian foundations of our current social order.” The document prepared by NEOS aims to reveal what is hidden behind the idealistic headlines of the 2030 Agenda and the risks involved, individually and as a society, in adopting all its goals.

The 2030 Agenda, approved at the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are specified in 169 goals. Although there is little to object to the SDGs, which are general objectives, some of the goals, as reflected in the analysis prepared by NEOS, are more debatable. However, the Agenda does not allow observations or partial acceptance, as is insistently repeated in its wording: “The Objectives and goals are integrated and indivisible.”

The NEOS working group, in which the researcher from the Culture and Society Institute of the University of Navarra, Professor Carlos Beltramo, collaborates, also highlights the importance of the topics that are left off the agenda and in this sense, they are less relevant issues such as the aging of the population, the low birth rate in Western societies, among others.

Beltramo emphasizes that in the 2030 Agenda “we are facing an example of ideological smuggling: sexual and reproductive health is presented as something indisputable, when it is really a euphemism for the promotion of contraception and abortion.” In the opinion of the authors of the report, the danger of the 2030 Agenda is that, taking advantage of good intentions, it includes the acceptance of much more controversial issues such as the extension of abortion or the denaturalization of marriage as a sine quanon condition for accessing health aid. International organizations. Goal 5, indebted to gender ideology, goal 3.7, which seeks to guarantee universal access to sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health or Goal 12, referring to climate change, using it as an excuse to impose policies that restrict freedoms and limit development, are just some examples that are broken down in the report prepared by NEOS.

The document “Unmasking the 2030 Agenda” can be downloaded for free in its digital version on the NEOS website or, if you prefer the printed version, purchased as a document on Amazon


About NEOS

NEOS is a civil society movement that defends the recovery of the foundations of Christian humanism as a response to a widespread crisis and a society that has lost its way.

For this reason, the name NEOS derives from the initials of the 4 cardinal points, and our symbol is a compass that marks the direction that Spain needs.

The objective of NEOS is to decisively influence the social, cultural and political debate in Spain, as well as to become a point of reference for national and international networks that share these same values.


NEOS es una alterna􀆟va cultural que surge de la necesidad de hacer frente a la corriente social y polí􀆟ca que impera en la actualidad y cuyo obje􀆟vo es destruir y sus􀆟tuir el orden social basado en los fundamentos cris􀆟anos, germen de la civilización occidental. La plataforma desempeña su labor a través de seis grupos de trabajo que dan respuesta a cada uno de sus pilares: la Vida, la Verdad, la Dignidad de la Persona y la Familia, la Libertad, España Nación y las Amenazas Globales