Undefeated church and ideologies
It is urgent to return to the light, to happiness, to joy, to rediscover the Catholic Church!

It is obvious that it is very important for people to have values. A great technician would lack a lot if he lacked them. Every mature person knows the hierarchy of goods that structures reality. He knows that the human being occupies a very prominent step, or degree, on the scale of beings. He understands that it is very interesting to know the truth of man, his dignity, and his rights. The most fundamental of these is the right to life. This covers from conception, which is the moment of fertilization, until the arrival of natural death, as established by rigorous thought, in accordance with science. The Church is the great defender of the right to life. This right is opposed to induced abortion and euthanasia.
The non-Christian enlightenment, which wanted to confront reason with faith, continues to influence the West. It is very common that in the classrooms of public educational centers values are not taught, and faith is silenced, and sometimes even explicitly combated. In this way, a deep cultural and religious void is achieved.
This gap encourages these students, when they become professionals, to immerse themselves excessively in the material. That is, they participate in practical materialism, in the sense that they give little space to the spiritual. So, also, they somewhat neglect their relationship with God. That is, they participate in practical atheism or live as if God did not exist. These are not unimportant things. Well, a materialistic and atheistic world is not a civilized world.
Overlaid on this cultural and religious vacuum is the influence of media that do not have a good relationship with the Church. The void can be filled with programs of political parties and ideologies that are in this illustrated line. Many of these currents reject the Church in a merely destructive way. That is, without offering, in exchange, anything or anything valuable. They destroy, they do not build. They reject, they do not propose. Always negative, never positive. Not rarely, these, who present themselves as wise, and silence the Church, and denounce it as obscurantist, propose abortion, euthanasia, gender ideology, etc. But, gender ideology has already failed in England. Already, English politicians are saying goodbye to her. Well, the number of those who, operated as young people, over the years have come to realize the terrible injustice to which they have been subjected, increases, and, therefore, they have denounced prominent politicians who promoted this ideology.
Freemasonry is one of the most critical ideologies towards the Church. She also believes herself to be very wise and sees the Church as obscurantist. The Freemasons have promoted abortion, euthanasia, paganization, etc. Having infiltrated large international organizations, such as the UN, they have left their mark there, which is pro-abortion, etc.
Ultimately what is on the table is choosing between an abortionist alternative and the Church, which can never accept abortion. It is the choice between the culture of life and the culture of death.
There has, therefore, been a great setback in the logical discourse on the right to life. Some illustrations follow. One day the pro-life shelter, which is in front of the largest abortion clinic in Madrid, appeared with graffiti calling them Nazis. But, this is absurd. Well, there, instead of, like Hitler, suppressing lives, they save children’s lives. As a priest, I have repeatedly encountered very disconsolate women, because they have realized the atrocity that they have committed by aborting. Some politicians had told them that abortion was a right. But the only thing they have managed to do is cry. In such an absurd world, it is not strange that very disastrous parties are exalted and the Church is rejected. Well, evil is called good, and good is called evil.
Faith, however, is true faith, authentic faith. It is evident that to live according to revealed religion is to be governed by revealed faith, by what God has told us. But, there are some who, labeling themselves Catholic, build an à la carte religion, taking as ingredients what they want, or what they desire, or what they think, or what seems to them. Thus, for example, some call themselves Catholics, and, on the other hand, when they are at death’s door, even if they need to confess, they do not call any priest. But, Santiago Carrillo, who was very anticlerical and a prominent leader of the Spanish Communist Party, when he was dying, asked those in his house to go and call a priest, who turned out to be from Opus Dei, so that he could confess to him. Also, his anticlerical political party partner, the famous Pasionaria, when the moment of truth arrived, repented and asked to confess. Thus, both died confessed. So, these, previously so anticlerical, died more catholic, in that they died confessed, than those who, calling themselves Catholics, claim an à la carte religion, like someone choosing a menu, and, at the same time, die unrepentant.
One day a young man came to see me who had been away from the faith for some time. He told me that he had become aware that he had been deceived. Well, he had managed to realize that the criticisms he had heard against the Catholic religion were absurd. From then on he had begun to investigate whether the Catholic religion was the true religion. Thus, he began a path of conversion, prayer, and deepening his knowledge of the faith. Many, like this boy, should realize that by trying to separate them from the faith they have been deceived, and have the personality to start investigating what the truth is. Everyone should ask themselves the big questions and try to find their solutions.
In short, the destructive work against the Church has managed to deceive many. The Catholic Church, the great defender of life, is the light in the midst of a current world that lives submerged in dense darkness. It is the resplendent sun that, wherever its beneficial influence reaches, covers everything with flowers and songs! It is urgent to return to the light, to happiness, to joy, to rediscover the Catholic Church!

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