Mother Teresa of Calcutta left us a legacy of love and service that continues to inspire generations. In her reflection entitled Unconditional Love, she reminds us that despite the world’s difficulties and injustices, we must continue to do good without expecting reward.
Doing Good, Despite Everything
People may be unreasonable and inconsistent, but we must still love them. If we do good, we may be accused of having ulterior motives, but that should not stop us. If we succeed, we will attract false friends as well as true enemies, but we must continue to fight. The good we do today may be forgotten tomorrow, but we must still do it. Sincerity and openness make us vulnerable, but we must be sincere and open anyway.
Mother Teresa challenges us to build and to help, even if our work may be destroyed overnight or if those who receive our help become angry with us. It invites us to give the best of ourselves, even when the world hits us. Because God, who knows our weaknesses, loves us anyway.
A love that transcends time
This teaching leads us to reflect on the importance of our actions and their impact over time. The missionaries who built convents and missions knew that their legacy was not guaranteed, but they still worked with faith. The same happens with our works: their duration does not depend on us, but on external factors and, above all, on the will of God.
As Mother Teresa says: “Love until it hurts.” Love unconditionally, do good without expecting rewards, build without fear of destruction. This is the path that is proposed to us, and in it, we find the true greatness of Christian love.
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