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“Trust in the Lord! Open your heart to Him! Don’t be afraid! No one loves you like He does!”:Commentary Fr. Jorge Miró

The Holy Trinity, May 26, 2024

“Trust in the Lord! Open your heart to Him! Don’t be afraid! No one loves you like He does!”:Commentary Fr. Jorge Miró

Father Jorge Miró shares with Exaudi readers his commentary on today’s Gospel, Sunday, May 26, 2024, titled “Trust in the Lord! Open your heart! Do not be afraid! No one loves you like He does!”


Today we celebrate the solemnity of the Holy Trinity, which reminds us that God is a mystery. The mystery that we must live from faith and love. The entire universe speaks of the triune God.

Benedict XVI reminded us that, thanks to the Holy Spirit, who helps us understand the words of Jesus and guides us to complete truth, believers can know the intimacy of God himself, discovering that he is not infinite solitude, but a communion of light and of love.

Pope Francis invites us to discover that this is a party to contemplate and praise the mystery of the God of Jesus Christ, who is One in the communion of three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In the mystery of God, you must discover that God loves you, just as you are. God loves you freely: without demanding anything from you. God loves you more than anyone: even giving his life. God loves you faithfully, he never stops loving you: even if you are inconstant and sinful, even if you have doubts and hesitations. He seeks you and desires you.

Everything God says, teaches and commands is not done to annoy you, but to show you the path that leads to happiness and eternal life. God wants you to be happy! And he wants you to be happy not just for a little while…, but for all eternity!

This is the key to understanding the entire Christian message! Observe the commands and precepts that I prescribe to you today, so that you and your children after you may be happy and prolong your days on the ground, which the Lord your God gives you forever (cf. Deut 4:39 -40).

Today’s party is an invitation to enter the mystery of God’s love. To let yourself be loved by Him and live faith as a love story with God. Let Him embrace you, enlighten you, manifest Himself to you, and give you the Holy Spirit so that you grow in holiness. It is an invitation to empty yourself of yourself to fill yourself with God: this way you will be happy, you will live authentically as a person and your life will have full meaning.

It is an invitation for you to discover that faith is not a theory that is known, but a life that is enjoyed: You have not received a spirit of slavery, to relapse into fear, but you have received a spirit of adopted children, in the one we cry: «Abba! Father”.

It is being able to live life every day as a story of love and salvation that God is doing with you. It is discovering that you are not alone, that the Lord is with you every day until the end of the world.

It is discovering that life is not a “solitude filled with howls” (cf. Dt 32), but a vocation, a constant call from God who loves you and invites you to enjoy this love story. A call from God that invites you not to remain an existential “wanderer”, but to enjoy being a pilgrim who, hand in hand with the Lord, walks towards the goal of eternal life.

And, amazed, by the mystery of God’s love, this feast is an invitation to live in praise, as we have sung in the Psalm: Blessed are the people whom the Lord has chosen as an inheritance! An invitation to be able to say every day: Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit!

Cheer up! Trust in the Lord! Open your heart! Do not be afraid! No one loves you like He does! Enjoy it!

Come, Holy Spirit!

Jorge Miró

Sacerdote de la archidiócesis de Valencia y profesor en la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas, Económicas y Sociales de la Universidad Católica de Valencia