12 March, 2025

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The Reverend Mauro Mantovani, new Prefect of the Vatican Library

Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome (Italy)

The Reverend Mauro Mantovani, new Prefect of the Vatican Library
Vatican News

Appointment of the Prefect of the Vatican Library

The Holy Father has appointed Reverend Don Mauro Mantovani, S.D.B., until now Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome (Italy), as Prefect of the Vatican Library.

Curriculum vitae

The Reverend Don Mantovani was born on 3 January 1966 in Moncalieri (Italy). He took his first vows in the Salesian Society of St John Bosco in 1986 and was ordained a priest in 1994. In 2006 he obtained a Doctorate in Philosophy and Letters at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (Spain), and in 2011 a Doctorate in Thomistic Theology at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas – Angelicum in Rome. Since 2007 he has been Full Professor at the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome, where he has held the following positions: Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy; Dean of the Faculty of Social Communication Sciences; Vice-Rector; Rector magnifico. Currently, he is a Member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas and of the Scientific Committee of the Holy See’s Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of the Quality of Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (AVEPRO)

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