31 March, 2025

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“The Pope’s wish for the Jubilee is to end the use of weapons and abolish the death penalty”

Spes non confundit - Bull announcing the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025

“The Pope’s wish for the Jubilee is to end the use of weapons and abolish the death penalty”
Vatican Media

The Pope presents Spes non confundit, the bull that calls for the Holy Year 2025, in which he makes appeals in favor of prisoners, emigrants, the sick, the elderly, and young people affected by drugs and corruption. In addition, he announces the opening of a Holy Door in prisons, requests the forgiveness of the debt of poor countries, and promotes an increase in birth rates, the reception of emigrants, and respect for Creation.

In the midst of these “great stages”, the Pope established that the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica will open on December 24, 2024, thus beginning the Ordinary Jubilee. The Jubilee will conclude with the closing of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica on January 6, 2026, the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord.

Patience, a decisive virtue

Francis’ hope is that “for everyone”, especially for the most discouraged who “look at the future with skepticism and pessimism”, the Holy Year will be an opportunity to “rekindle hope” and also the virtue of patience today “relegated by the hurry”.

Peace in the world

The Bishop of Rome invites us to see hope in the “signs of the times”, paying attention, however, “to all the good that there is in the world so as not to fall into the temptation of considering ourselves overcome by evil and violence”. “May the first sign of hope be translated into peace for the world, which once again finds itself immersed in the tragedy of war,” he writes. Humanity, forgetful of the dramas of the past, is subjected to a new and difficult test when it sees many populations oppressed by the brutality of violence.

To offer the inmates “a concrete sign of closeness,” the Pope himself wishes to open “a Holy Door in a prison,” he announces in the Bull, “so that it may be for them a symbol that invites them to look to the future with hope.” and with a renewed commitment to life.

Hope for the sick and encouragement for young people: “We cannot disappoint them”

Young people also need hope, who “often see their dreams crumble.” However, it is sad to see young people without hope. “The illusion of drugs, the risk of falling into crime and the search for the ephemeral create in them, more than in others, confusion and obscure the beauty and meaning of life, bringing them down into dark abysses and inducing them to commit gestures.” self-destructive.” “May the Jubilee be an occasion for the Church to stimulate them,” the Pope assures, inviting them to take care of “the young people, the students, the couples, the new generations” with renewed zeal.

“May there be closeness to young people, who are the joy and hope of the Church and the world!”

No to prejudices and closures against migrants

“May the Christian community be always ready to defend the rights of the weakest,” exclaims the Pope. “May it generously open wide its welcoming doors, so that no one will ever lack hope for a better life.”

A global fund to end hunger

Francis raises the need for those who possess wealth “to be generous” to those “who lack water and food.”

The testimony of the martyrs

For this reason, he expresses the “strong desire” that during the Holy Year “there will be an ecumenical celebration where the richness of the testimony of these martyrs is revealed.”

The importance of confession

Francis next speaks of the sacrament of Penance, which “is not only a beautiful spiritual opportunity,” but “a decisive, essential and inalienable step in each person’s journey of faith.”


Exaudi Staff