The Pope: Our joy does not depend on anything else, our joy depends on love

Visit to the children of Street Pastoral and Callan Services

In the afternoon, after leaving the Apostolic Nunciature, the Holy Father Francis travelled by car to the Caritas Technical Secondary School, where he visited the children of Street Ministry and Callan Services.

On his arrival at the main entrance of the covered stadium of the Caritas Technical Secondary School, the Pope was welcomed by the Archbishop of Port Moresby, the Most Eminent Cardinal John Ribat, M.S.C., by the Superior of the Community of the Sisters of Caritas of Jesus and by the Director of the School. Two children dressed in traditional costumes brought him a gift of flowers. He then crossed the central nave while the choir sang a song and, after a tour among the children and students of the school, he took his place on the stage.

After the welcome greeting from the Cardinal Archbishop of Port Moresby and the performance of a traditional dance, a child from Callan Services and a child from Street Ministry asked two questions to the Pope, followed by a traditional dance.

The Holy Father addressed a few words of greeting to the children and, after the blessing, the exchange of gifts and the group photo, the Cardinal Archbishop of Port Moresby, the Superior of the Community of the Sisters of Jesus of Caritas and the Director of the College bid farewell to the Pope at the main entrance while the choir sang a song.

At the end, the Holy Father arrived by car at the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians to meet the bishops of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, with the priests, deacons, consecrated men, seminarians and catechists.

We publish below the greeting given by the Pope during the visit:

The words of the Pope

Well done, you who sang and danced. You do this very well!
Dear sisters and brothers, good evening!

I greet His Eminence, whom I thank for his words, the Superior of the Community, the Director, all those present, laity and religious, and especially you children, who are wonderful!

I am very happy to meet you and share this moment of celebration with you. I also thank your companions, who asked me two challenging questions.

One of you asked me: “Why am I not like other people?”. I really only have one answer to this question and that is: “None of us is like anyone else, because we are all unique in God’s eyes!”. It is not only that “there is hope for everyone” – as has been said – but I would add that each one of us has a role and mission in the world that no one else can fulfil. Even if it involves difficulties, carrying out our role and mission will also give us a great deal of joy in ways that are different for each person. Peace and joy are for everyone.

True, we all have limitations. There are some things we are good at doing. There are things we struggle with or can never do. This, however, should not determine our happiness, which comes instead from the love we put into whatever we do, give and receive. The most beautiful and important thing in our lives is always to love, and to welcome with open arms the love we receive from the people who love us. This is so for each person no matter how or where they find themselves. Did you know that this is also true for the Pope? Our joy does not depend on anything else; our joy depends on love!

This brings us to the second question: “How can we make our world more beautiful and happy?” For sure, with the same “recipe” of learning day by day to love God and others with all our hearts! We can also do it by trying to learn – even at school – all that we can, and to do so in the best way possible through studying and putting our best effort into every opportunity we are given to grow, improve and refine our gifts and skills.

Have you ever seen how a cat prepares itself when it has to make a big jump? First, it concentrates on directing all its strength and muscles in the right direction. Maybe this happens quickly and we do not even notice, but the cat does it. We can do the same by focusing all our strength on our goal, which is love of Jesus and, in him, for all the brothers and sisters we meet on the way. And then with new energy we can help everything and everyone to be filled with love! In this sense, none of us is “burdensome”. We are all beautiful gifts from God, a treasure for one another, as you all have reminded us!

Thank you, children, thank you very much for this meeting. Thank you all who work together in this place with love. Always keep this light of love burning. It is a sign of hope not only for you, but for all those you meet, and for our world, which is sometimes so selfish and preoccupied with things that do not matter. Keep the light of love burning! And, please, pray for me too!