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The Joy of the Gospel: A Message from Pope Francis

General Audience Catechesis

The Joy of the Gospel: A Message from Pope Francis

In the catechesis of the general audience on November 27, Pope Francis emphasized the fruits of the Spirit and the importance of living the faith with joy. Citing Saint Philip Neri as an example of joyful and forgiving evangelization, the Pope stressed that everyone can and should be charitable, patient, humble, and peacemakers.

The Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These are the fruits of the Holy Spirit that Pope Francis reflected upon during his last general audience before Advent. Unlike charisms, which are gifts given for the good of the Church, the fruits of the Spirit are the result of the cooperation between God’s grace and human freedom. Faith, according to the Pope, works through love, sometimes in surprising and joyful ways.

Evangelical Joy

Pope Francis, quoting his apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, highlighted that evangelical joy is a feeling of fullness and satisfaction that does not quickly fade like modern pleasures. This joy, according to the Pontiff, does not wear out over time and multiplies when shared with others. While there may be moments of sadness, with Jesus, there is always joy and peace.

The Gospel and Joy

The Pope emphasized that the Gospel is “good news” that cannot be announced with long faces and gloomy expressions. Drawing inspiration from Saint Philip Neri, known as the “saint of joy,” the Pope reminded that evangelical joy is a fruit of the Spirit and should be communicated with the enthusiasm of someone who has found hidden treasure or a precious pearl.

A Call to Pray for Peace

At the end of the general audience, the Pope turned his thoughts to the Ukrainian people, who are preparing for a harsh winter due to power cuts caused by Russian incursions. Francis urged the young people present to pray for their Ukrainian peers and also called for prayers for peace in the Holy Land. In his greeting to Polish and French pilgrims, the Pope invited everyone to be charitable and peacemakers, especially in times of war and crisis.

Catechesis Translation into Chinese

Finally, the Pope joyfully announced that starting next week, before Advent, the catechesis of the general audience will be translated into Chinese for the first time. This initiative aims to bring the words of the Bishop of Rome to the faithful in what Francis has called a “noble country.”

Pope Francis’ message reminds us of the importance of living and sharing the faith with joy and being peacemakers in a world marked by suffering and war.

Exaudi Staff