The Great Warning

The Illumination of Consciences

In recent decades, the prophetic announcement of a “Great Awakening” or “religious revival” (the great awakenings) along the lines of the first one that was recognized as such and that occurred in the third decade of the 18th century has become a constant in Anglo-Saxon evangelical Protestantism. This “revival” would mean a resurgence of religious feeling and practice as a result of mass conversions to Christianity (the famous “born again”) produced by “anointed” preaching.

It is worth asking whether a certain “religious revival” is also taking place in Catholic Christianity in some communities, brought about by a direct and essential preaching of the Gospel, a greater emphasis on the personal encounter with Jesus Christ, a special attention to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, together with a growing interest in prophetic knowledge derived from the Holy Scriptures.

In the present era, Christianity in the 21st century is in clear competition with the new “secular religion” that enthrones the goddess Reason, separating it from Faith, disconnects our essence from the Creator, and imposes a materialistic, pantheistic or neo-pagan worldview far removed from the supernatural experience and the transcendence that the human soul yearns for.

In this historical context, we can observe how in certain Catholic sectors there is a desire to know more about this extraordinary prophesied event, called the “Great Warning” of God to humanity for these specific Times in the history of Salvation.

Thus, in the midst of uncertainty, confusion and tribulation, at a crucial moment for humanity, this prophetic vision announces to us that the soul will suddenly awaken as if from a dream. In this way, the “Great Warning” will mean the illumination of the conscience of each human being and of humanity as a whole.

This spiritual event, which according to the Christian worldview will occur at the End of Time (which in terms of Christian eschatology is not the same as the End of the world), will be an unequivocal manifestation to every man and woman of the existence of God. A great opportunity to correct the life of every human being who inhabits the Earth. Likewise, it will mean a correction of the world’s conscience at the most critical moment when said conscience is totally misaligned with the natural order of Creation and in a direction totally opposite to the loving will of the Creator.

Ultimately, the “Great Warning” will be a supernatural outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will strengthen and renew Christians for future events that will involve great tests for the purification of the human race and for the restoration of Creation. It will be, therefore, a “Second Pentecost.”

The prophet Amos says that “God does nothing without revealing his secrets to his servants, the prophets” (III,7).

For this reason, the great prophets, such as the aforementioned Amos, or also Jeremiah and Isaiah, warned the people of Israel of the imminent events that they would suffer for the sake of their conversion to God. In the same way in our times, particularly in the past 20th century, but also in this 21st century, humanity has been receiving warnings from countless prophets – men and women of our time, saints, humble and with ordinary lives – as well as a great number of messages from the Blessed Virgin Mary in her repeated appearances in different places of the world, in which loving calls are insistently made to personal conversion and to turn our gaze and our hearts to God.

The “Great Warning” will therefore be an act of God’s infinite Justice and Mercy. After this warning occurs, God will pour out His Spirit in a way as great as He did at the First Pentecost.

“Before I return as the Righteous Judge, I will first return as the King of Mercy. Before the day of Justice comes, people will be given a sign in the heavens in this way: All Light in heaven will be extinguished and there will be great darkness throughout the earth. Then the sign of the Cross will appear in the sky and from the openings where the hands and feet of the Savior were nailed, a great Light will burst forth and illuminate the earth for a time” (Diary of Divine Mercy written by Sister Faustina Kowalska).

Continuing with the study of the “Great Warning,” there is a Marian apparition of great importance that is currently pending hierarchical approval by the Catholic Church. We refer particularly to the apparitions of Garabandal, a town near Santander in Spain. It was there that the Blessed Virgin, appearing under the title of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, manifested herself to four simple girls and announced to them with clarity and depth the mysteries of God’s “Great Warning” for all humanity. This event, according to the main visionary of Garabandal, will be experienced by believers and non-believers alike, as well as by people of all religions in the world.

In Garabandal, it is revealed to us by Our Mother that the supernatural event called the “Warning” will be like a purification for the preparation of a great “Miracle” that God will grant to the world in the End Times so that many souls may be saved and attain eternal life.

The “Great Warning” would thus be a very personal and intimate event. Therefore, all human beings will react differently when they recognize their own sins and their dire consequences on the soul, on the body, on other human beings and on the whole of Creation that was conceived to give glory to the Creator. On that day, those who experience the “Great Warning” will see the soul as God sees it. Something similar to what happens when we are in agony at the gates of death and God illuminates our conscience so that we can repent and thus achieve the grace necessary for Him to save us. Also, something similar to what people of all times and places in the world have experienced internally at some time on their path of conversion to God.

According to the aforementioned prophetic knowledge, all human beings will experience this illumination of conscience wherever they are and whatever their condition or knowledge of God. It will be an internal experience and, at the same time, a cosmic event. It will seem as if the world has stopped, but no one will be aware of it because everyone will be completely absorbed and living their own experience of the Mercy of God, which is Love.

It is clear that today’s humanity, rationalist, secularized and without sacred and supernatural references, is not prepared for this frontal and clarifying encounter with its Creator. Or maybe yes, more than ever? Precisely because of the weakened state that most people find themselves in the spiritual realm, is why God would send this “Great Warning.”

And it is that in the 21st century, the “deification of man” is reaching unsuspected limits through ideologies contrary to the human condition and the natural order of the Cosmos. Utopias such as transhumanism and posthumanism aim for “human improvement” exclusively through biotechnology and genetic manipulation, disregarding human nature, which is created in the image and likeness of God. The Homo Deus emerges full of pride, who pretends to imitate the exclusive power of God: to create.

Therefore, the “Great Warning” as an extraordinary and supernatural event will happen, in its time, so that humanity awakens from the deep unreal and destructive sleep in which it lives its life without spiritual meaning and without transcendent purpose. The “Great Warning” from God to humanity would coincide, then, with a spiritual “Great Awakening” or “religious revival” whose first rays of light are already beginning to dawn in our days. Let us, then, have hope. NESSUN DORMA!