«The family is the sanctuary of the ordinary», says the bishop of Barbastro-Monzón in Torreciudad

Some three thousand people participated today in the 32nd Marian Day of the Family held in the sanctuary of Torreciudad, where the rain forced the events to be held inside the temple. The bishop of Barbastro-Monzón, Mons. Ángel Pérez Pueyo presided over the day and defined the family as a space to «love, forgive and serve». Together with the choir of the Alborada School of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), the mayors of Secastilla, El Grado, Graus, and Estadilla attended, together with councilors and the deputy of the Provincial Council of Huesca, Javier Catalán.

Due to the weather, the location of the offering of flowers and fruits was changed, as well as that of many children offering to the Virgin of Torreciudad. At noon, the Alborada Choir offered a recital and in the afternoon the participants prayed the rosary and received the blessing with the Blessed Sacrament.

The family, sanctuary of the ordinary

In his homily, the Bishop of Barbastro-Monzón stressed that “in a world that seems to be fragmenting more and more, the family becomes a space for reconstruction, for loving, forgiving and serving.” He affirmed that “it is within the family that we learn to be human in the fullest sense, to reflect that love that we have received from God in our daily lives.”

In keeping with the words of Saint Josemaría Escrivá, he spoke of the family as “an intimate place where love and generosity are cultivated; it is the sanctuary of the ordinary where, without making noise, the greatest things are accomplished. In the small things of everyday life, at work, in moments of coexistence, in difficulties and in joys, God acts. If we are able to rediscover the value of simplicity, if we learn to love and serve within our own home, we will already be beginning to transform the world.

He concluded by expressing his wish that Torreciudad be “a beacon of hope, a place where families from all over the world can come to seek the grace necessary to live their vocation, to learn to love with that love that transforms everything.”

Pope Francis sent a message to the participants, whom he urged to take care of the home as “the first place where each one learns to love and to relate to others from the experience of being loved.” The message encourages the families gathered to face “moments of adversity” and asks for their “testimony” to “offer everyone the beauty of faith in Christ.”

Assessment of authorities

José Lorenzo Rabal, mayor of Secastilla, stressed that “we have celebrated a very emotional morning, very grateful to the Virgin, with the hope of soon seeing the road axis between El Grado and Graus through Secastilla become a reality.” Mª Carmen Obis, mayor of El Grado, said that the day «has been a joy, and the improvisation and change of scenery have been a success, proving once again how much love there is for the Virgin».

For her part, Pilar Lleida, mayor of Estadilla and vice-president of the Somontano de Barbastro region, said that «I have seen enthusiasm and devotion, I am leaving with much peace and happy to have come». Javier Catalán, from the Provincial Council of Huesca, said that he admired the number of attendees «despite the weather, to participate in an event that is very lively».

The mayor of Graus, José Antonio Lagüens, highlighted his joy at attending and accompanying so many families in «a place so closely linked to Graus and so full of spirituality. The atmosphere has been one of unity and fraternity in a sanctuary with which we want to improve road communications».

Pepe Gairín, prior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ and Saint Vincent Ferrer, also highlighted “the influx of people, despite the rain.” Blanca Galindo, Councilor for Culture of the Barbastro Town Council, stressed “the emotion and strength of what was experienced inside the temple, seeing so many families and so many values ​​​​together is very necessary. And I hope – she also said – that the collaboration between Barbastro and Torreciudad continues to grow.”

The Torreciudad Patronage Association, organizer of the event, had the collaboration of the Civil Guard, Tourism of Aragon, Civil Protection, Red Cross, the regions of Ribagorza, Somontano and Cinca Medio and a team of around a hundred volunteers, who have helped the pilgrims with the services of locker, nursery, distribution of buses and vehicles, signage and general information.