The Face: Reflection of the Soul and Manifestation of Identity

Chapter 9 of the Series “Soul and Body”

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka during the composition of the opera «Ruslan and Lyudmila»

In this chapter of our series on soul, body, corporeality and grace, we will delve into a topic that, although it may seem minor, has extraordinary relevance: the face. This is not only the most evident manifestation of our identity, but also the element that distinguishes us from others, almost as if it were our fingerprints or the iris of our eyes. The face is the mirror that reflects our unique condition as human beings, unrepeatable in their essence.

The importance of the face is manifested in the commandment “thou shalt not kill,” which underlines the dignity of every life. When contemplating a human face, we are confronted with the truth of the uniqueness of each person, which leads us to appreciate their intrinsic dignity. For example, ultrasounds allow us to glimpse life in formation, highlighting the humanity that develops. It is also crucial to recognize the difference between an act of abuse perpetrated against a stranger and one committed against a loved one, as the latter carries an even deeper component of betrayal and brutality.

The beauty of the face does not only lie in aesthetics; it has been said that “we are not responsible for the face we have, but we are for the face we show.” The face acts as a canvas where our spirit is expressed. New technologies have allowed for advanced facial recognition, but it is vital that we also recognize the features of the soul that live behind each face.

Manifestations of the Face

  1. The Look: The eyes are the window to the soul, and there are different types of looks. There are looks that simply record reality, and others that communicate affection and connection. The way we look at others can be an indication of our interest and attention towards them. An empathetic look can be salvation for someone who feels alone or helpless.
  2. The Smile: Mother Teresa of Calcutta said that a great revolution begins with a smile. This action, so simple and accessible, has the power to transform someone’s day. Smiling is an act of charity that transmits hope and encouragement, reminding others that everything can improve.
  3. Listening: Listening is an act of love that requires time and attention. By giving another space to express themselves, we recognize their dignity. This action is similar to Eucharistic adoration, where we dedicate time to God, just as when we listen to a person with the same respect.
  4. Wrinkles: Over time, our face accumulates wrinkles that are testimonies of our experiences and emotions. Each line tells a story of love, pain, joy and sadness. Don Alvaro del Portillo’s perpetual smile, which generated wrinkles around his mouth, is a clear example of how our face speaks of our inner life.
  5. Cosmetics and Adornments: The way we adorn and care for our face can have a double meaning. It can reflect an affirmation of our dignity and a desire to make life more pleasant, but it can also hide an internal state of unhappiness. Therefore, it is important to approach cosmetics with moderation and purpose.

Final Thoughts

The face, that constant element in our interactions, is a reflection of our spirit. We can make life more pleasant for those around us through attentive glances, sincere smiles and active listening. In this sense, the face becomes a vehicle to transmit love and connection. With a balanced approach and an attitude of openness, we can be instruments of light in the lives of others.

Chapter 01: The Assumption of the Virgin and the Relationship between the Body and Grace

Chapter 02: Corporeality, Body and Grace: The Spirit Incarnated in Concrete Life

Chapter 03: Spiritual History and the Time of Life

Chapter 04: The Care of the Body as a Manifestation of Spiritual Life

Chapter 05: Mortification

Chapter 06: The Living Man and the Virtues

Chapter 07: We are a Substantial Unity of Soul and Body: Love as an Integral Manifestation

Chapter 08: Marriage: A path of love and dedication