The curses of adultery

Father Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros

Foto de Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 en Unsplash

Father Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros brings, to Exaudi readers in his Reflections section, the topic “The curses of adultery”


Today I am going to touch a complicated, difficult, sad, and ugly topic. But I do it to help you so that you never, for any reason, fall into this: the five curses of adultery. This topic has a biblical foundation that I am going to provide in case anyone wants to go deeper. I will try to be agile so that we can see it quickly and reach important purposes.

1. The Corruption of the Soul

Proverbs 6:32 tells us: “But he who commits adultery lacks understanding; he who does so corrupts his soul.” Adultery corrupts the soul and destroys inner purity. Imagine corrupting your body with a harmful substance; attacking your soul is even more serious. Jesus teaches us that married people are one flesh, one reality. Failure to be faithful is a betrayal that contaminates the soul, full of insanity and lies, generating a turbulence of emotions such as fear and uncontrolled passion.

2. Spiritual Blindness

Proverbs 5:20 says, “And why, my son, will you walk blindly with a stranger’s wife and embrace the bosom of a stranger?” Jesus is the light of the world and whoever follows him does not walk in darkness. Adultery separates us from the light of Christ, leading the person to live in darkness. Even if there is repentance, it is crucial to leave adultery immediately to return to the light. The sin of infidelity begins as an adventure, but ends up blinding the individual, preventing him from seeing his error and distancing him from God.

3. The Escape of Blessings for the Family

Proverbs 5:15-17 advises us: “Drink water from your own cistern and streams from your own well.” Faithfulness brings blessings, while adultery diverts these blessings elsewhere. Spiritual and financial blessings are lost when adultery is committed. Time and resources that should be spent on the family are wasted, creating marital dysfunction. Spouses who fall into infidelity end up abandoning their family responsibilities, seriously affecting the family nucleus.

4. God Will Use Your Adultery As Punishment

Proverbs 22:14 warns: “The kisses of an unfaithful woman are a bottomless trap; God does not leave those who entangle themselves with her unpunished.” Adultery, although initially seemingly pleasurable, ends in pain and bitterness. It leaves a feeling of shame and causes irreparable damage to the family. God will never bless a relationship based on lies and deception; rather, he will use those relationships to show human foolishness. Those who practice adultery will face serious emotional and spiritual consequences.

5. Lose Everything

No one leaves a spouse for something better, but for something easier. Infidelity arises from a desire to fill a void that the husband or wife could not fill. However, the consequences are often devastating. Losing everything includes trust, respect, and in many cases, family. Relationships based on adultery do not prosper, and the damage caused to families is often irreparable. The adulterous person may repent late, when he has already caused deep and irreversible damage.

In conclusion, these are the five curses of adultery according to the Bible and my reflection. Guard your heart, shield it against sin. Let us do all the good we can and always seek the light of Christ. God bless you always.

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