31 March, 2025

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The Church of Puebla (Mexico) regrets the decriminalization of abortion

“Unfortunately, new ideologies dehumanize the unborn,” states a note from the archdiocese, after the approval, on Monday, by the Congress of the state of Puebla, of the interruption of pregnancy up to 12 weeks of gestation. Of the 32 federated states of Mexico, 14 have decriminalized abortion

The Church of Puebla (Mexico) regrets the decriminalization of abortion

“Puebla is in mourning for so much blood of innocents that will be spilled. May God forgive us!” With these words, the Archdiocese of Puebla – in a statement – ​​expresses “its deepest sadness and regrets that today the right to life is violently denied.” The note responds to the decision of the Congress of Puebla that on July 15 approved the decriminalization of abortion up to 12 weeks of gestation supported by the pronouncement of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), in 2021, according to which In Mexico it is unconstitutional to criminalize people who decide to have an abortion.

We know that the Church has a mission received from El Salvador and this does not depend on human norms; Therefore, despite adversity, united with Christ, it responds to the pastoral challenges of our time, in which unfortunately new ideologies dehumanize the unborn, underlines the note from the archdiocese, which, however, reaffirms its intention to renew and promote efforts, from the different pastoral areas, to respond to life-threatening situations.

The Lord of Life will triumph

From the Liturgical Pastoral, the Church of Puebla will promote prayer and the celebration of the Holy Mass, especially in the upcoming Jubilee Year, “to ask the Lord of Life to touch the hearts of those women who have thought in eliminating the life they harbor in the womb so that they recognize that the life of their child is sacred and respect it.”

The Archdiocese will continue, through the Communication Pastoral, the permanent campaign on social networks and parishes, to raise awareness about “the immeasurable value of human life.” In this context, it will be up to Family Pastoral Care to promote the formation of new generations in the healthy experience of human love and sexuality, so that so many unwanted pregnancies can be prevented. From the initial training of catechism children – he reaffirms – family values, responsibility, respect and self-control will be promoted.

For its part, the Youth Ministry will continue working on prevention through training in a healthy experience of human love, while promoting the values ​​of fidelity, responsibility, chastity, and respect. While the Social Pastoral will continue working so that charity continues to be the factor that energizes all the action of the Church in favor of the most needy, vulnerable and excluded people from society, among them the poor, migrants, and abandoned.

The great gift that comes from God

The archdiocese assures its commitment to continue promoting “the love of life as a great value, rebuilding and consolidating families so that every day they are stronger and that as a sanctuary, they embrace, guard, respect, protect and celebrate this great gift that comes from God: life.”

“Those of us who form the Church that pilgrims in Puebla are dismayed; However, we do not lose hope that Jesus, the Lord of Life, will triumph over the throwaway culture and the culture of death,” the note concludes.

Puebla: number 14 of 32

The decision of the Congress of Puebla will allow the termination of pregnancy before 12 weeks of gestation. With 29 votes in favor, seven against and four abstentions, the entity became number 14 of the 32 that make up the Federation of Mexico, to legalize the interruption of pregnancy. The movement to decriminalize abortion in Mexico has been a long process. In 2007, Mexico City was the first entity to decriminalize abortion up to 12 weeks of gestation, which marked an important precedent in Mexican legislation.

Exaudi Staff