13 March, 2025

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The Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) signed an agreement regarding research

With Gemelli and the La Sapienza University

The Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) signed an agreement regarding research
PhotosCredit: KUL

“The scientific-research cooperation with the Gemelli Polyclinic and the La Sapienza University in Rome guarantees a high level of medical studies at the Catholic University of Lublin, which are to start soon,” said the Rector of the Catholic University of Lublin, Fr. Prof. Mirosław Kalinowski. KUL signed an agreement on cooperation with the “La Sapienza” University and the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome on Monday, 6 June 2022. The event was attended by the Polish Minister of Education and Science, Przemyslaw Czarnek, and President of the Medical Research Agency, Radoslaw Sierpinski, Ph.D. in medical studies.

During the meeting Minister Przemysław Czarnek pointed out that everything that is done in the medical field is done with the other person in mind, which is deeply embedded in the Christian attitude. “I am convinced that this meeting will now enable us to start cooperation in specific scientific projects, in which the human being is the center,” said the Minister of Education and Science at the meeting.

Prof. Kalinowski emphasized that thanks to cooperation with the best universities in the world, medical students at the Catholic University of Lublin will be able to gain knowledge based on the latest research and from the most eminent specialists. “Developing joint educational, clinical and social projects, cooperation in scientific and medical research in hospitals and on the premises of medical universities, and expanding and strengthening the capacity and potential of both staff and students are just some of the possibilities provided by the agreements signed today,” the Rector of the Catholic University of Lublin said.

“I believe that a new chapter in the history of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin begins with the opening of a new field of study. Medical studies at KUL are a natural part of a deeply Christian view of human nature as a spiritual-bodily unity. This is what our long-time professor, St. John Paul II taught us. This is what we want to live by today,” stressed the Rector.

Prof. Kalinowski, alluding to the statements of the Encyclical Evangelium Vitae by John Paul II, stressed that the life of every human being is a value in itself and our task is to defend its inviolability at every stage. “We are called to enfold life with care and respect, especially life marked by illness and aging, and therefore we want to make every effort to ensure that the education of future medical personnel is of the highest possible level,” emphasized the Rector of KUL.

The Catholic University of Lublin and the University of Rome “La Sapienza” declared their involvement in the activities of the projects: INOFLAM – involving laboratory and clinical studies of degenerative diseases such as fibrosis, cancer, and heart disease, and ANDROMEDA – focusing on the extraction and identification of natural antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs produced by single-celled organisms under conditions of weightlessness (microgravity).

PhotosCredit: KUL
PhotosCredit: KUL

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin will begin educating future doctors in the fall of 2023. Initially, 60 students will be accepted to study medicine at KUL. Earlier the Institute of Health Sciences of the Catholic University of Lublin also established close cooperation with the Medical College of Wisconsin in the USA, in the field of academic exchange and medical research, mainly in oncology. In addition, KUL is undertaking cooperation with the faculty of medicine of Universidad de Pamplona, which is one of the best private medical training centers in Europe.

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