In a world full of responsibilities, activities and rush, it is easy to fall into the temptation of concentrating all our spiritual life in a single moment of the day. Many parents, with agendas packed with extracurricular activities, household chores and work commitments, are forced to create a kind of “holy hour”, a time in which they accumulate all their practices of piety: the Holy Mass, the recitation of the Rosary or a moment of prayer. Although this strategy can be useful at times, living spirituality in this way can lead to certain risks and shortcomings.
Why is it not ideal to concentrate everything in a single hour?
Imagine that, instead of distributing your meals throughout the day, you ingested all the necessary calories in a single meal. While it might work occasionally, this habit could affect your energy and well-being. The same goes for spiritual life. If we limit our practices of piety to a single moment, we run the risk of:
- Going into automatic mode: After performing several rules of piety in a row, it is easy to lose attention and live them without depth.
- Lack of spiritual energy: By not distributing our practices, we could run out of “fuel” to face daily challenges.
- Less intensity: Praying or participating in acts of piety at specific times throughout the day helps us live them with more intention and dedication.
The solution: Distributed spirituality
The key is to organize our spiritual practices so that they accompany us throughout the day. Here are some ideas:
1. Offering works upon awakening
The day can start on the right foot by offering our works to God. This small act of piety reminds us that every action, however simple, has a purpose and can be offered as a prayer.
2. Mid-morning Angelus prayer
The Angelus, a short prayer that recalls the Incarnation, is ideal for pausing amid the chaos of the day. It helps us reconnect with God and ask for the intercession of the Virgin Mary to find peace and clarity.
3. Holy Rosary during the day
At some point, take time to pray the Rosary. It is a powerful act of protection and trust for our family. If it is difficult to do it all at once, consider dividing the mysteries throughout the day.
4. Holy Mass: the heart of the day
Attending Holy Mass connects us with eternity. It is a time to give thanks, make amends and pray for our needs. If it is not possible to attend daily, uniting spiritually from wherever you are can also be meaningful.
5. Examination of conscience before sleeping
Closing the day with a brief examination of conscience and a prayer to the Virgin helps us say goodbye to the day with gratitude and serenity. It is a time to reflect on what we have experienced and prepare our hearts for a new day.
Benefits of this spiritual organization
Distributing the rules of piety throughout the day allows us to:
- Constantly renew our spiritual energy.
- Face daily difficulties with more patience and peace.
- Avoid falling into routine and live each practice with greater depth.
- Sprinkle our day with God’s grace, making every moment an opportunity to grow in holiness.
An invitation for this year
Why not take advantage of this new 2025 to reorganize our spiritual practices? Placing our goals of piety strategically can transform our relationship with God and with others. Spiritual life does not have to be limited to a single hour; on the contrary, it can become a guiding thread that keeps us connected to the divine plan throughout the day.
Living with God is not a matter of quantity, but of quality and consistency. Let us make every moment an opportunity to get closer to Him!