04 March, 2025

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The 10 Minutes with Jesus platform will help the CARF Foundation to train priests

The 10mcJ platform is a Christian meditation podcast with tens of thousands of daily listeners in five languages

The 10 Minutes with Jesus platform will help the CARF Foundation to train priests

The podcast 10 Minutes with Jesus (10mcJ) has decided to help the CARF Foundation and allocate the donations it receives through the Super Thanks button on its YouTube channel to collaborate with the formation and support of diocesan priests and seminarians and religious men and women from all over the world.

The 10 Minutes with Jesus project arose with a small WhatsApp group in which a priest, in the summer of 2018 at the request of a mother who wanted to help her children and friends pray, began to share daily audios recorded with his mobile phone with comments on the gospel, reflections on the liturgical time or anecdotes and testimonies.

It currently brings together a group of priests who send, daily and in five languages, Christian audio meditations through WhatsApp, YouTube, the main podcast services, and other platforms.

The Super Thanks button is a YouTube feature that arrived in Spain in April 2022. It is a button, like the Like-Like button, located under the video player with which users can thank the creators of the content the work they do. Once you click the button, you can choose different donation amounts.

To be eligible to have this functionality on your YouTube channel, it is necessary to meet some requirements of a minimum number of subscribers and hours of viewing the channel’s videos.

At this link you can listen to the video of the meditation of January 6, 2024, in which the collaboration is inaugurated and in which the priest Don Javier Sánchez-Cervera, one of the promoters of 10 Minutes with Jesus, explains why the initiative.

Help finance the training of diocesan priests

10 Minutes with Jesus was born in 2018 at the proposal of María Feria, mother and teacher. In view of the summer holidays, María suggested to the chaplain at her school to record short spiritual talks to share during those holidays with her children and young people around her.

At the mother’s insistence, Mr. José María García de Castro agreed and put together a first audio, using his own cell phone and simple, accessible language. New WhatsApp groups quickly begin to emerge where these audios are shared, so, with the help of a group of priest friends, he decides to continue the project.

«Despite the sorrows, the world has 400,000 priests who worship the Lord and are dedicated to Him, serving all souls regardless of their creed. And what better than to help the formation of diocesan priests and seminarians, and also men and women religious from all over the world so that they are trained in the universities supported by the CARF Foundation,” says Fr. Javier Sánchez-Cervera, one of the promoters of 10mcJ.

10mcJ, a mass phenomenon

Today, 10 minutes with Jesus has become a mass phenomenon. And it is due to his ability to adapt to people’s needs and lifestyles. It offers convenient access to meditation and reflection in a busy world. It adds an immense variety of channels to serve a very diverse audience. It has become a valuable tool for those seeking to strengthen their spiritual life in the midst of everyday life. The initiative does not stop growing. And what started in 2018 with a small WhatsApp group now reaches more than 80,000 people and has 147,000 subscribers on its YouTube channel. It approximately reaches a daily community of 200,000 listeners.

«The 10mcJ team is Currently dispersed around the world. We don’t even know each other. The Internet and the love of Jesus Christ have united us. Priests and lay people from the USA, Mexico, England, Spain, Colombia, Kenya, the Philippines form the team that makes it possible for tens of thousands of people around the world to spend 10 minutes a day in conversation with Jesus through WhatsApp audios, Spotify, Telegram, Instagram, YouTube, Ivoox, Apple podcast, Google Podcast in five languages,” explains Mr. Javier Sánchez-Cervera.

Here are the main links to the content platforms:

Apple Podcasts
Google Podcasts

About: The CARF Foundation—Roman Academic Center Foundation—was born in 1989 by inspiration from Saint John Paul II to Blessed Álvaro del Portillo with three purposes: to pray for priestly vocations; promote the good name of priests throughout the world; and help the formation of seminarians and diocesan priests and men and women religious to better serve the Church around the world.

Currently, thanks to the support of its benefactors and friends, the CARF Foundation has financed study aid for almost 40,000 students from 131 countries with limited economic resources to improve their intellectual, human and spiritual training at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, in Rome, and in the Faculties of Ecclesiastical Studies of the University of Navarra, in Pamplona. Among them, there are already 130 students who have been ordained bishops and three of them created cardinals.