Synodality in Action: A Path of Renewal for the Church and the World
The Final Document of the Synod 2024 invites us to a Church that is closer, more participative and more united in its mission of evangelization and service to those most in need

The Synod 2024 marks a milestone in the Church’s journey of renewal, centered on synodality as the axis of communion and mission. This process, initiated in 2021, has been an exercise in listening, dialogue, and discernment where the entire ecclesial community has had a voice. Inspired by the Second Vatican Council, the Synod calls for overcoming resistance and opening up to a spiritual transformation that integrates the diversity of charisms and ministries. To respond to current challenges, the Church is committed to being a living witness of hope, justice, and love, in unity with all humanity and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Here is a 10-point summary of the Final Document of the Synod 2024:
- Encounter with the Risen One: The Synod recalls the importance of returning to the source of faith, seeking a renewed encounter with Christ, which leads to harmonious unity in diversity.
- Mission and suffering: The Church must remain close to human suffering, from armed conflicts to social crises, promoting peace, justice, and care for those most in need.
- Synodal process: Since 2021, the journey has been one of consultation and listening to the People of God, oriented towards missionary renewal and conversion in communion, participation, and mission.
- Communion and diversity: Synodality is based on the common baptismal identity and the participation of all the baptized, fostering the visible unity of Christians and respect for differences.
- Renewal since Vatican II: Inspired by the Second Vatican Council, the Synod seeks to apply its teaching on the Church as the People of God and Mystery, keeping alive her vocation to holiness and her prophetic mission.
- Repentance and conversion: The synodal assembly underlines the need for conversion and repentance, committing to overcome weariness and resistance to change.
- Fruits of synodality: Conversation in the Spirit has begun to bear fruit in parishes, associations, families and movements, strengthening the sense of community and co-responsibility in the mission.
- Listening to the cry of the poor: The Church reaffirms her preferential option for the poor, who reflect the face of Christ and bring a crucial perspective to mission and evangelization.
- Unity in the Eucharist: The Eucharistic celebration is fundamental to the unity of the Church, representing a communion in the diversity of charisms, ministries and vocations.
- Synodality and mission: Synodality is not an end in itself, but a means to fulfill the Church’s mission in a world in crisis. This renewed approach encourages spiritual conversion and structural reform, promoting a witness of fraternity and unity in Christ.

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