01 April, 2025

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Sisters Hospitaller was awarded by the US Council of Religious Communicators

The social media campaign #YouHaveADateWithMentalHealth was recognized with the award of merit at “The DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Award”

Sisters Hospitaller was awarded by the US Council of Religious Communicators

The Mental Health 2023 Campaign, of the Congregation of Hospitaller Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, was honored by the US Council of Religious Communicators.

#YouHaveAdateWithMentalHealth was recognized with the award of merit at “The DeRose-Hinkhouse Memorial Awards” in the Social Media – Series category. The initiative, promoted on social networks in October 2023, aimed to make visible one of the great enemies of people’s well-being: silence.

Commitment to mental health

“We celebrate with great joy this award that encourages us to continue working with commitment for mental health,” said Sister Isabel Santa, General Secretary.
The campaign, developed and executed by the general communication service of Sisters Hospitallers together with the communication managers and technicians of the provinces of the Congregation and the agency La Machi, Communication for Good Causes seeks to demonstrate, through different types of data, the need that many people have to go to a specialist and, above all, to take care of all aspects of their health.
#YouHaveAdateWithMentalHealth encourages society not to ignore this reality, showing, for example, that one in four people will have a mental disorder in their lifetime.

More information about the campaign: #YouHaveAdateWithMentalHealth

Exaudi Staff