September: Bible Month

Why is it Bible Month?


The Bible is a book that we should read every day, not just in September. But why then is this month designated as Bible Month? Two very important events justify this designation.

The First Printed Bible

September marks the anniversary of the publication of the first printed Bible, which took place in Switzerland in 1569. Before the invention of the printing press, scribes copied sacred texts and other writings by hand. They used papyrus and later paper for these copies. This work was carried out mainly in monasteries during the Middle Ages. Not only religious texts such as the Bible and the Gospel were copied but also works of ancient literature from Greece and Rome and philosophical texts.

With the invention of the printing press, a revolutionary change took place. The first printed book was the Bible, which made the word of God available to many more people. In the past, only the most educated, such as kings, princes, and members of the clergy, were allowed to read. Most people relied on hearing the readings at mass, without being able to have personal contact with the word of God. The printing press made it possible for more people to have direct access to the Bible.

St. Jerome and the Vulgate

September 30th is the day of St. Jerome, who dedicated his life to studying and translating the Bible into Latin. This translation is known as the Vulgate, an edition aimed at the people. Before the Vulgate, translations were intended for people of high position, such as the pope and kings. The Vulgate allowed more people to have access to the Scriptures.

September Purpose: Read the Bible

This month is not only a cultural reminder, but an invitation to start reading the Bible. You can start today. On my YouTube channel, I teach you how to read the Holy Scripture. It’s not about starting from Genesis 1 and reading through Revelation; that could be confusing. In my program, I explain how to start with the Gospel and when to move on to the Old Testament and then return to the New. This will allow you to better understand what you read.

Once you have finished reading the Bible, make it your mission to read the Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles daily. It only takes three or five minutes a day, but it is essential to keep Jesus in your mind and heart. St. Jerome said: “Whoever does not know the Bible, does not know Jesus.”

Spread the word and let’s do all the good we can. May God bless you always.

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