Sell ​​what you have and follow me: Commentary by Fr. Jorge Miró

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Fr. Jorge Miró shares with Exaudi readers his commentary on the Gospel of this Sunday, October 13, 2024, entitled “Sell what you have and follow me”


The Word of God that we proclaim today speaks to us of the radical nature of following Christ: to follow Christ, we must be ready to leave everything. Yes, everything!

The Gospel presents us with the well-known encounter between Jesus and the rich young man, in which he asks Jesus: Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?

This is a great question that you must ask yourself every day. The goal of your life is not to grow old, earn money, or succeed according to the world’s standards. No. It is useless to someone to gain the whole world if he ruins his life (cf. Mt 16:26). The goal of your life is to reach heaven.

God loves you so much that he created you to live with him forever. You are not called to be a vagabond, but a pilgrim walking towards the definitive homeland: heaven.

Jesus reminds the young man of the ten commandments – ten words of life – as a necessary condition to enter into eternal life.

But it is not enough to fulfill the commandments as a law, as a moralism, which affects man from the outside, but without touching his heart: One thing you lack: go, sell what you have, give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and then come and follow me.

This is the narrow door that leads to life: leave everything: your projects, your plans, your desires, your possessions… put everything in the hands of the Lord, and follow Him, letting the Holy Spirit guide your life.

Christ invites you to renounce everything that prevents you or makes it difficult for you to follow Him. Some will be hindered by money, others by disordered affections, others by their pride, others by their vanity, others by their fame, you…

Being able to do the will of God every day is what will make you live with joy. That is why the rich young man goes away sad, because he is not ready to enter into the will of God; he is not ready to deny himself.

Understanding this is the fruit of the wisdom of which the first reading speaks. This wisdom is a gift that comes from above, from God. It is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Ask Jesus today: What am I lacking to be a good disciple of yours? Do not be afraid of Christ!

The Word of God today is a profound invitation to prayer, to serious, profound and personal dialogue with Jesus Christ.

Come, Holy Spirit! (cf. Lk 11:13).