“Security and stability will never be achieved with arms”
The Holy Father's words after the Regina Coeli prayer

This Sixth Sunday of Easter, after praying the Regina Coeli prayer, the Holy Father raised his voice for an end to the violence between Israelis and Palestinians, “because security and stability will never be achieved with weapons”. The Pontiff also addressed his thoughts to the people of Ukraine, wounded by war and violence.
These were the Pope’s words after the Marian prayer, provided by the Holy See Press Office:
After the Regina Caeli
Dear brothers and sisters,
In the past few days, we have once again witnessed armed conflicts between Israelis and Palestinians in which innocent people have lost their lives, including women and children. I hope that the cease fire that was recently reached will become stable, that the weapons be silenced, because security and stability are never obtained through the use of arms, but rather, every hope of peace will continue to be destroyed.
I heartfully greet all of you, people from Rome and pilgrims from Italy and many other countries, in particular, the faithful from Canada, Singapore, Malaysia and Spain.
I greet the leaders of the Saint Egidio Community from 25 African countries, as well as the Administration and Professors from the University of Radom in Poland. I greet Caritas Internationalis who is meeting and has elected a new president. Courageously move ahead on the way of reform!
I greet the faithful from Scandicci and from Torrita di Siena; the children from the Decanato of Appiano Gentile, the Agesci Scouts from Alghero, and the young people from Senigallia; the “John XXIII” Scholastic Institute from Cammarata; and the participants in the relay for life supporting the Foundation against Cancer.
Mother’s Day is celebrated in many countries today. Let us gratefully and affectionately remember all mothers – those who are still with us and those who have gone to heaven – let us entrust them to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Let’s give them a big round of applause!
Let us turn to her asking her to alleviate the suffering of battered Ukraine and of all the nations wounded by war and violence.
I hope you all enjoy your Sunday. And I greet the Immaculata group, who are wonderful! Please do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your lunch and arrivederci!

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