Sanremo, One-Way Tolerance

Regarding Achille Lauro, Ornella Muti and Checco Zalone


There was once a Sanremo, of music and little songs, a popular national show, as described by Pippo Baudo, which was useful to spend on a carefree evening, with songs left in the history of Italian music, others more similar to meteors, still others  (honestly, many . . . ) whose need was not felt. But we are always talking about music.

Now it’s no longer so. The Sanremo Festival, a national-popular phenomenon, which is very much followed, becomes a powerful means to transmit messages that are more pleasing to the prevailing culture, functional to that dictatorship of that single thought against which Pope Francis has many times put us on guard. The current edition is a crystal clear example of the politically correct at the service of the mainstream culture and information.

Pro Cannabis Spot

 Since the beginning of the Sanremo Festival, with the press conference in favor of the legalization of marijuana by actress Ornella Muti, who talked of light drugs — an untenable description on the scientific plane –, which has now been “imposed” on the collective imagination.

Trans and Surroundings

 On the second evening at Sanremo, the first intervention of Checco Zalone took place, to relaunch another cherished argument of the prevailing culture. Puglia’s famous comic apparently joked about the LGBT world although using the stereotype of a trans-Brazilian, he attacked the hypocrisy of all those (in particular fathers of families) who seek the thrill of the mercenary transgression. How many are there, then, of this type of clients who, unfortunately, are reduced to selling their body, is yet to be verified.

Finally, the case that without a doubt caused most stir (up to now … ) was that of Achcille Lauro, to whom the Director of the Osservatore Romano, Andrea Monda, responded with very great elegance. If with his provocation the singer sought a media clash he was badly disappointed. The response of the Bishop of Ventimiglia Sanremo, Monsignor Antonio Suetta, was also calm. However, he raised a subject: can one continue to be silent in face of so much baseness? If it’s useless to fuel a sterile controversy must one still suffer the offense without defending what a coherent Christian believes, in deference to what is politically correct?

One-Way Tolerance

 Imagine what would happen if in the course of the Christian Song Festival, running in parallel from today at Sanremo, if there were an irreverent performance against Islam or the LGBT world. Accusations of racism and homophobia would invade the Italian media and not only the Italian media. Instead from the stage of one of the most followed shows of the Bel Paese [Beautiful Country = Italy] religion can be mocked with impunity and questionable messages can be sent without offending. <It is> one-way tolerance.

Monsignor Suetta ends his press release thus: “As the proverb states, “It’s true that a donkey’s braying does not go up to heaven,” but I esteem it opportune to solicit consciences to a serious reflection and believers to the duty of reparation in prayer, in good witness of life and in courageous denunciation.

Should something else be added?

Translation by Virginia M. Forrester