Right and Wrong: Reflections from St. Augustine
Father Angel Espinosa de los Monteros

Saint Augustine said something beautiful: “Right is right, even if no one does it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone does it.” Imagine if St. Augustine said this 1,600 years ago, in a world without technology, without social media, and without the fashions that change every five minutes.
In his time, although there were also role models, music, and shows, the offer was much more limited than today. St. Augustine lived in a time when he attended shows in the Roman circus, where he witnessed terrible things like gladiator fights. These events were brutal, and in them, gladiators fought to the death, seeking the approval of the emperor or the ruler in power.
Although the context has changed today, we continue to face similar challenges. The fundamental values remain, but the noise generated by negative societal influences is deafening. Fads, degrading music, and the normalization of wrong through the legalization of immoral acts are just a few examples. However, we must remember that, as St. Augustine said, “right is right, even if no one does it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone does it.”
Father Angel Espinosa de los Monteros reflects on this truth and invites us to do good, regardless of what society dictates or the legality of the moment. St. Augustine’s wisdom reminds us of the importance of standing firm in our values and passing them on to future generations. Let us do all the good we can and remember that, even though the world may legalize anything, wrong will never be right.
In this changing world, it is crucial to remember that our values should not be shaped by fads or the legality of the moment. Right will always be right, and wrong will always be wrong, no matter how many do it or approve of it. Let us follow the example of St. Augustine and Father Angel Espinosa, and live our lives with integrity and righteousness, always seeking to do good.
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