Return to illiteracy

Challenges of the Digital Age: The Literacy Crisis and the Return to Orality


In Spain, we are returning to orality and going back on the path of literacy.

About AI and the potential of technologies, it is worth taking into account the warnings of those who, out of prudence, maintain the habit of distrusting advances.

The Internet offers us facilities and advantages. But with this, there are other luck that have never come to us. Also, thinking that freedom is directly related to the amount of information we have is a fallacy. The Internet has been exploited by dictatorships more effectively than by democracies.

We have gone from a society in which the lack of culture constituted a handicap, to another in which the indifference towards high aesthetic values ​​or intellectual sensitivity is total.

On this path of regression, we are returning to orality and going back on the path of literacy, moving from societies based on writing to others in which knowledge is transmitted orally. It contrasts abstract thinking, security, and the analysis that makes it possible to fix information on paper, with the speed and limited analysis of oral communication. A society that abdicates the letter loses its symbolic capacity.

Now young people are trained in classrooms who we only teach presenting information, but who remain spiritually and intellectually orphaned. Incapable of deciphering the signs of a book, subjected to the literality of the texts, unable to look at the double meanings and interpretations. Which is equivalent to being victims of new dictators and political, cultural and commercial violence.

Whenever the low educational level of today’s society appears in the press, the quality of teaching is raised, and we deplore the state of schools and the illiteracy that plagues our Spanish society.

We must make the effort and demand to improve the deplorable state of our education.

Education should prepare students to acquire skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity and collaboration. These skills are essential for young people to adapt and succeed in the labor market.

Juan Andrés Segura – Enraizados Collaborator