Reflection by Bishop Enrique Díaz: “Today the Savior was born to us”
CHRISTMAS December 25

Mons. Enrique Díaz Díaz shares with Exaudi readers his reflection on the Gospel of this Monday, December 25, 2023, titled, “Today the Savior has been born to us”
Isaiah 9, 1-3, 5-6 “The people who walked in darkness saw a great light”
Psalm 95: “Today the Savior is born to us”
Titus 2, 11-14: “The grace of God has appeared to all men”
Luke 2, 1-14: “Today the Savior is born to us”
“The people who walked in darkness saw a great light; on those who lived in a land of darkness, a light has shone” (Is 9:1). These are the words that we hear on Christmas night in the atmosphere of contemplation and joy. It is the cry of Isaiah who, in the midst of Israel’s difficulties, proclaims hope to an oppressed and threatened people, bowed down and on the verge of despair. It is also the announcement full of faith and hope that we want to send to all the men and women of our people who, despite the darkness and shadows through which we walk, continue to sow illusions, fill with light, build and rebuild our communities.
Isaiah’s times were not optimistic by any means. However, he announces to his people glory after humiliation, light in the midst of darkness and immense joy. In the darkness, symbol of chaos and image of death, light suddenly emerges, like a new creation. Something miraculous that has not yet been explained, but that is emerging and becoming a reality. Like the shoot of an old tree, which little by little appears and grows, tender and weak, but full of vigor.
Today too, on this Christmas Day, in the midst of a devastating world, in the midst of insecurities and injustices, above all catastrophes, natural or caused by human carelessness, we want to raise our voice to announce that all is not lost. We want to encourage the sincere struggle of those who promote justice and peace. We want to join our hands and our forces with those who bring light and hope to our world.
The reasons that Isaiah presents for this great joy are: the ending of oppression, which allows the joy of the harvest, and the end of war, which removes the oppressive yoke.
How we would like today to be able to say that corruption, discrimination, poverty, misery and wars have ended! We would like to affirm that there are no more oppressive yokes, and that we have the healthy joy of knowing that we are all brothers. But not; all these misfortunes suffered by our people have not ended, by any means. On the other hand, we can affirm that there are men and women who, full of hope, continue to fight for a new world, and who today are strengthened by the words of the Lord, who through Isaiah tells us: “Do not be afraid, for I am with you; Do not be distressed, for I am your God: I strengthen you and help you and uphold you with my victorious right hand… Do not fear, little worm of Jacob, caterpillar of Israel; I myself will help you” (Is 41,10.14).
This is how we feel: “little worm… little caterpillar”, but in the hands of the Lord. That is why we dream that our fields produce what is necessary and that their products are valued, and thus it is not necessary to immigrate to survive. We long for a table full of food and goods, so that everyone can satisfy their hunger in a dignified manner. We dream that all men and women are worthily respected. Likewise, we look to the future at our towns being recognized, loved, and building their own history. Then our joy will be complete!
“For unto us a child is born” (Is 9:5). The newborn Child is the maximum expression of this dream. If oppression has ended, if the war has ended, it is because a Child has been born. The light has appeared. Throughout the entire history of the Bible, light means the presence of God, from the first day of creation, until the moment when the Word, “which is the true light that illuminates every man who comes to this world”, becomes man and lives among us. This is the reason for our joy and the reason to continue fighting: “A Child has been born to us.” It is God made man who changes our darkness into light. God’s greatest presence is to become flesh like us.
Like the shepherds, today we find ourselves surprised and “the glory of God surrounds us with his Light.” And in the light of this Child, everything changes. The darkness cannot defeat the light. Selfishness, ambition, corruption, no matter how great they are, will not be able to defeat the light. This is the reason for our hope! Our poor efforts are linked to the weakness and smallness of the Child who nestles in the loving arms of Mary. But with this Child, “Admirable Counselor”, “Mighty God”, we will not be afraid. He gives birth to true hope in us. That is why today we join all men in hope. A Child has been born, who is our hope!
The dynamism of Christian hope reaches especially the little ones and transforms them; It drives them to build a new society. Living hope is the miraculous force that frees us from all the traps of discouragement, the vicious circle, useless complaint, destructive criticism or sterile indifference.
It is beautiful to see how the simplest, putting aside bitter frustrations, begin to build, and bring light and hope to all their brothers. The little worm and the little caterpillar are building the New House, where we are all brothers and where we can all live with dignity.
May we all, united to this Child “who was born to us,” build the Kingdom of God together. May the light of Christ illuminate all men and women, and may his love extend to the entire earth.
“Almighty God, grant that, as we see ourselves enveloped in the new light of your Word made flesh, we may make the faith that you make shine in our works this Christmas.”
Merry Christmas!

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