12 March, 2025

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Priests and Nuns Appeal for Peace in Myanmar

'With our hearts, minds, and strength, we are close to our brothers and sisters'

Priests and Nuns Appeal for Peace in Myanmar
© Fides

Priests and nuns have appealed for peace in Myanmar as the nation continues to face turmoil.

“With our hearts, minds, and strengths we are close to our brothers and sisters in Myanmar.

“Our sisters have given and are offering a profound witness of faith and courage. We want to make them feel our support”, says Sister Cecilia Win, of the Sisters of Charity, to Agenzia Fides, who joined numerous Burmese priests and religious at the demonstration that was organized on April 24, in Rome to ask for the restoration of democracy and the international recognition of the New Government of national Burmese unity, in opposition to the military junta that took power during a coup last February 1st. The nun recalls the iconic image of Sister Ann Rose Nu Tawng who knelt in front of the military to stop the massacre of young people.

“That is our path, our inspiration. It is a gesture that manifests the strength of weakness, as Saint Paul says. Christ on the cross, innocent victim, teaches us and shows us the strength of love that conquers everything. This is the path of our non-violent struggle. Let us not lose hope and our brothers and sisters in Myanmar, do not lose it, because our hope is the Risen Christ”.

Among the numerous priests and nuns of the Burmese community in Italy, who are in various religious congregations or study in the institutions of the Holy See, Father Maurizio Moe Haung, of the Missionaries of Charity, confirms to Fides “the closeness and support from the Burmese Catholic community abroad: we have frequent contacts, we encourage the journey of return towards democracy, we make our voices heard and we do not lack the support of weekly prayer: it is a path in which faith constitutes valid support. Catholic in Myanmar is doing its part and we abroad, who feel part of the same body that is the Church, are doing our part, supporting the return and recognition of a civil government”, he notes. The Burmese Dominican priest Fr. Hilario Plureh OP explains to Agenzia Fides: “It is essential for our nation to resume the path of democracy. We ask ASEAN and the international community to recognize the national unity government established and to delegitimize the military junta that is using violence against its own people”. The government of national unity is made up of the elected government deputies, belonging to the National League for Democracy (NLD), some leaders of the protest movement, and representatives of different ethnic communities present in the Burmese nation.

The commitment of the Burmese Catholic Church in this phase of tension is also continually witnessed by the words of Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, Archbishop of Yangon and President of the Bishops’ Conference of Myanmar. On the occasion of the upcoming month of May, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the Cardinal has launched a special “month of prayer”, to ask for the special protection of the Virgin, according to various intentions. In the first week, the Burmese Catholic community, at home and abroad, will pray for peace; in the following weeks, the focus will be on justice, unity, respect for human dignity, and, finally, for the prosperity of the nation.

“The faithful – wrote the Archbishop in a message read in all the Churches on Good Shepherd Sunday, April 25 – can participate by staying at home, or in the parish or in the various religious communities”. Furthermore, in every Burmese church, throughout the month of May, daily Eucharistic Adoration and the daily evening Rosary will be held, in which all will meditate on a passage from the Gospel of the Beatitudes: “Blessed are the builders of peace because they will be called children of God”. In addition, some words of Pope John Paul II will guide spiritual reflection and prayer: “There is no true peace without equity, truth, justice and solidarity”; and the words of Pope Francis: “The world tells us to seek success, power, and money; God tells us to seek humility, service, and love”.

Exaudi Staff
