Prayer to Saint Joseph: A Powerful Intercessor
A faithful intercessor to guide and protect you on your journey of faith

Recently, reading some of the comments I received on my capsules and programs, someone asked me to teach a prayer to Saint Joseph. Although hundreds of beautiful prayers dedicated to him can be found on Google, today I want to share with you a simple and profound prayer. You can listen to it several times, memorize it, write it down, or simply enjoy it every time you pray it.
Prayer to Saint Joseph
Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer and husband of the Virgin Mary. To you, God entrusted his Son; in you, Mary placed her trust; with you, Christ was forged as a man. O blessed Joseph, show yourself a father to us too, and guide us on the path of life. Grant us grace, mercy, and courage, and defend us from all evil. Amen.
This short prayer contains enormous richness in its simplicity. It begins with a “salve,” which is almost like saying “hello,” and goes on to call St. Joseph “Guardian of the Redeemer.” This title, which is also the name of an encyclical by John Paul II (“Redemptoris Custos”), highlights St. Joseph’s important mission as protector of Jesus.
St. Teresa of Avila, also known as St. Teresa of Jesus, considered St. Joseph a powerful intercessor. In the Bible, God gave important missions to many people: Samson, David, Moses, the prophets… but St. Joseph was given a unique mission: to care for and protect Jesus and Mary. God could have made Jesus appear as an adult, but he wanted him to be born and raised in a family, experiencing all the stages of human life.
St. Joseph did not have to liberate a people or transmit prophetic messages. His mission was simpler but equally crucial: to be the protector of the Holy Family. He taught Jesus to speak, walk, play, and work as a carpenter. He was a simple man, with great responsibility.
In prayer, we ask St. Joseph to show himself a father to us as well, to guide us in our daily lives, and to grant us grace, mercy, and courage. St. Joseph’s courage is evident in the Bible, when the angel tells him to take Mary and Baby Jesus and flee to Egypt to protect them.
Praying this prayer daily brings us closer to St. Joseph and reminds us of his powerful role as intercessor. Thus, as Father ÁngelEspinosa de los Monteros says, we can do all the good we can and trust in God’s blessing.
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