Posthumanism: the agenda of the Antichrist

The disturbing and mysterious horse, of apocalyptic significance, that rode along the Seine during the blasphemous opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games

We must not be afraid to say clearly that transhumanism and posthumanism, in addition to being a bioideology whose ultimate goal is the destruction of the human person through the dissolution of his nature, also turn out to be the authentic agenda of the Antichrist, a character and system that Satan is constructing to establish his reign as “Prince of this world.”

The Prince of this world

First, it is important to clarify the meaning of the word world. This term here does not mean either the cosmos or humanity, but rather – as an exegete, Father Stanislas Lyonnet, SJ, indicates – “the set of men who reject God,” of which Satan is the spiritual leader. The devil is, therefore, the prince of all men who refuse to submit to God.

St. Thomas explains the expression “prince of this world” thus: The devil is called ‘prince of this world’ not because of a legitimate natural domination, but because of the usurpation of power, in the sense that carnal men have despised God to submit to the devil. As St. Paul writes to the Corinthians: “The God of this world has darkened the understanding of the unbelievers (2 Cor 4:4). He is, therefore, the prince of this world insofar as he is the leader of carnal men, who, according to St. Augustine, are spread throughout the whole world.”

The word prince must therefore be taken not in the proper sense, as if it were a world authority, but in a figurative sense.

A contemporary Greek Orthodox theologian, Panagiotis N. Trembelas, stresses the need for a clear exposition of the omnipotence of God and the power of the demonic world. To point out the active presence of Satan is not to diminish God: “To admit the devil does not oppose the absolute domination and omnipresence of God… because God could not fail to have full and absolute authority over the universe and over Satan himself. God, on the other hand, limits the influence and action of evil spirits, so that they are at the service of divine designs and plans. (…) The Christian origin of this doctrine establishes an insurmountable bulwark against idolatrous dualism. For the ancient Persians it meant the existence of two distinct and personal principles fighting against each other; for the Greeks and the Germans, on the contrary, it hinted at the triumph of good in a battle against darkness, in the midst of chaos.”

God, King of the universe and Lord of history and Satan, prince of this world: there is no danger of putting them on the same level for those who approach the liberating depths of Revelation.

Transhumanism, Artificial Superintelligence and the Antichrist

Satan knows that he has little time left to try to destroy the beautiful work of creation, and for this reason he provokes with more intensity than ever the rebellion of the human being against the Creator, promoting the deification of a hybrid biodigital and non-binary “creature”, which under the pretense of having reached the posthuman condition of Homo Deus, will be trapped by a global totalitarian system dominated by the Antichrist.

Once he has manifested himself, according to the Apocalypse of Saint John, a large part of humanity will idolize the Antichrist. Surely this character and system will use artificial superintelligence, hybridization and genetic modification as biotechnological instruments of submission of the human being. At that time, once his project of destruction of human nature is advanced, the Lord of the world will demand for himself worship and apostasy from the Redeemer.

However, we Christians must constantly remember, with hope, the following words of the Gospel: “When these things begin to happen, stand up and lift your heads; your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:20-28). Our wait, therefore, is dynamic, active, committed. We have much to do for the good of humanity, carrying out the mission that Christ began and then entrusted to us. Therefore, it is good for us to think that the goal is eternal life, final victory, together with the Son of Man. A goal that will lead us to lasting peace in the glory of God.

For all this, we must not fear either the manifestation of the Antichrist, or his agenda to implement a totalitarian and global transhumanist and posthumanist system, or his apparent final victory, given that as Christians we know that Christ has already triumphed.

At the recent opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the entire world was treated to a scene in which a mechanical horse, ridden by an enigmatic rider dressed in a futuristic dress, galloped over the waters of the Seine, evoking an apocalyptic scene (cf. Rev 19:11-21) that could well have been composed by artificial intelligence.

At that moment, the perception that the scene caused me was that of a city subjected to darkness, where this hybrid being did not foresee anything good. It seemed as if the creators of that scene had wanted to show, in a hidden way, that said robotic being was advancing unstoppably and was finally taking over the leadership over all the nations of the world, foreshadowing this new post-human global governance.

The trans-posthuman subject proposed to us by this anti-Christian agenda is a man and a woman who are transformed into a flow of extrinsic operation, where the “trans” leads to the “post”, and the “post” pushes towards a vertiginous and unstoppable mutation. The foreseeable result is the formless constitution of a mutant and pansexual corporality that, at its core, is an act of rebellion against created nature and a cry of hatred against God the Father.

Professor Juan Fernando Segovia, in a chapter on the progressive destruction of nature and human nature, included in the book by the Spanish professor Miguel Ayuso entitled ¿Transhumanismo o posthumanidad? Politics and law after humanism (Marcial Pons, 2019), shows us the infinite distance that exists between what transhumanism seeks to destroy and what it aspires to raise. On the one hand, we have nature, as a measure of things, and, behind it, the Creator and Provident God. On the other hand, we have a process of deconstruction aimed at bestializing and nullifying the human being, by requiring a kind of “prosthetic idolatry.”

In another chapter of the aforementioned book, Professor César Félix Sánchez invites us to reflect on trans delirium and totalitarianism, specifically on the transhumanist utopia and gender ideology. This author states that “we are in the era of the irrational, where the transhumanist dream pushes to become a reality beyond utopian categories. Gender ideology is a privileged piece of the project, which hides, less and less, its totalitarian character, linking us to the era of the Antichrist.”

We must therefore conclude, as the writer Juan Manuel de Prada points out in one of the chapters of the aforementioned book, that “transhumanism has nothing to do with the historical order. At the peak of its development, not vitality, but death will await it.”

From a Christian perspective, we trust in the collapse of this totalitarian system proposed by the bioideology of transhumanism and posthumanism, which coincides, progressively and gradually, with the agenda of the Antichrist. From the purest Christian hope, we are certain of the definitive victory of the Creator’s plan and the restoration of all things in Christ.

Source: ReL