12 March, 2025

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Pope’s Message,10th Anniversary of ‘Rezandovoy’

Initiative of the Society of Jesus

Pope’s Message,10th Anniversary of ‘Rezandovoy’
© Vatican Media

On May 29, 2021, Pope Francis sent a video message on the 10th anniversary of the birth of ‘Rezandovoy’ [Praying I Go].

Rezandovoy” is a project of the Society of Jesus in Spain, and is coordinated by Loyola’s Communication Group. Thank you for what you do, continue sowing, go forward with the project, which does much good. ‘Rezandovoy’ is a whole life’s program,” said the Pope. “I give you my blessing and, please, don’t forget to pray for me. Thank you,” he added.


“Rezandovoy” is a digital project of the Spanish Province of the Society of Jesus, which offers a prayer online in mp3 audio with the daily Gospel of the Liturgy of the Catholic Church, and music and comments of a spiritual nature.

Loyola’s Communication Group has integrated the project in its mission and dedicates time, effort, and work to the whole productive process. Valladolid’s Agricultural Engineering School and Maldonado Jesuits in Madrid are their premises.

Added to the coordination endeavor of Loyola’s Communication Group of Valladolid, is a huge network of volunteers, men and women of different ages, states of life, and experience, who share their inspiration, lend their voice and turn their singing into a living word. Organized online to celebrate the platform’s 10th anniversary was a live Prayer on Saturday, May 29, during which Pope Francis’ video was projected.

The Loyola Communication Group is a communication project of the Society of Jesus. Through the union of the publishers Sal Terrae, Mensajero, Mezulari, and the communication agency SJDigital, the group aims to face the challenges that society and the church propose today, with means and languages ​​of the 21st century. Through our publications, it wants to offer a look at our society that is serene, critical, humane, ethical, and open to faith and spirituality. To contribute to the promotion of culture, plural dialogue, and the necessary development in a world full of possibilities, but also complex and wounded.

Larissa I. López

Doctora en Comunicación. Mi trayectoria profesional ha transcurrido entre el ámbito de la comunicación y el de la docencia. En los últimos años, he trabajado como coordinadora y redactora de la edición de ZENIT en español. Como profesora, he impartido clases en la universidad y en centros de FP y bachillerato. Cordobesa de nacimiento, también he vivido en Sevilla, Madrid y Roma