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Pope Video, May 2021: For Fair Finances

Prayer Intention for Whole Church

Pope Video, May 2021: For Fair Finances
Pope in Library - Copyright: Vatican Media

Here is a translation of Pope Francis’ Video-Message with the month of May’s prayer intention spread through the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network on the topic The World of Finance. “Let us pray that those in charge of finance will collaborate with governments to regulate the financial markets and protect citizens from its dangers.”

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The Holy Father’s Video-Message

While the real economy, that which creates work, is in crisis — how many people are without work! — the financial markets have never been so hypertrophic as they are now.

How far the world of big finance is from the life of the majority of people!

If finance isn’t regulated, it becomes pure speculation animated by monetary policies.

This situation is unsustainable. It is dangerous.

To avoid the poor ending up by paying its consequences, it is necessary to regulate financial speculation rigidly.

Speculation — I want to underscore this term.

Finance must be an instrument of service, an instrument to serve people and to take care of our common home!

We are still in time to start a process of global change to put a different economy into practice, which is more just, inclusive, sustainable, which doesn’t leave anyone behind.

Let’s do it! And let us pray so that those in charge of finance will collaborate with governments to regulate the financial markets and protect citizens from its dangers.”

[Original text: Italian]  [Exaudi’s translation by Virginia M. Forrester]



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