Pope Prays for Afghans, US Storm Victims
Sends Greetings for Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, and to Legion of Mary

Pope Francis on Sunday offered prayers for Afghans seeking refuge and for the people of the United States hit by a hurricane in recent days.
The Holy Father’s thoughts came after praying the noonday Angelus with the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square and joining by radio and social media around the world.
“In these troubled times that see Afghans seeking refuge, I pray for the most vulnerable among them,” the Pope said. “I pray that many countries will welcome and protect those seeking a new life. I pray also for the internally displaced persons and that they may receive assistance and the necessary protection.
“May young Afghans receive education, an essential good for human development. And may all Afghans, whether at home, in transit, or in host countries, live with dignity, in peace and fraternity with their neighbors.
“I assure my prayers for the people of the United States of America who have been hit by a strong hurricane in recent days. May the Lord receive the souls of the deceased and sustain those suffering from this calamity.”
On a more positive note, the Pope offered his “heartfelt good wishes to all my brothers and sisters of the Jewish religion: may the New Year be rich in fruits of peace and good for those who walk faithfully in the Lord’s Law.” Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, will be celebrated September 6-8.
Pope Francis also reminded the crowd of his upcoming apostolic journey to Budapest and Slovakia, September 12-15:
“Next Sunday I will travel to Budapest for the conclusion of the International Eucharistic Congress. My pilgrimage will continue after the Mass for a few days in Slovakia and will conclude the following Wednesday with the great popular celebration of Our Lady of Sorrows, Patroness of that country. These will be days marked by adoration and prayer in the heart of Europe. While I greet affectionately those who have prepared this journey – and I thank you – and those who await me and whom I myself wholeheartedly wish to meet, I ask everyone to accompany me in prayer, and I entrust the visits I will undertake to the intercession of so many heroic confessors of the faith, who in those places bore witness to the Gospel amid hostility and persecution. May they help Europe to bear witness today also, not so much in words but above all in deeds, with works of mercy and hospitality, the good news of the Lord who loves us and saves us. Thank you!”
The Pope concluded his remarks with best wishes for the Legion of Mary, which will observe its 100th anniversary on September 7, 2021. And he reminded those listening that September 5 is the memorial of Saint Teresa of Calcutta, known to all as Mother Teresa: “A big round of applause! I address my greetings to all the Missionaries of Charity, working around the world and offering often heroic service. I am thinking in particular of the Sisters of the “Dono di Maria” (Gift of Mary homeless shelter), here in the Vatican.”

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