13 March, 2025

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Pope Prays Angelus on Palm Sunday

Asks Prayers for Victims of Bombing at Cathedral of Makassar, Indonesia

Pope Prays Angelus on Palm Sunday
© Vatican Media

Pope Francis on Palm Sunday prayed the Angelus in St. Peter’s Basilica after celebrating Mass for the Passion of the Lord.

He encouraged those listening to make the journey of following Jesus to the cross.  And he asked especially for prayers for the victims of this morning’s attack in Indonesia, in front of the Cathedral of Makassar.

According to the BBC, the explosion happened at about 10:30 local time at the end of Palm Sunday services. Police said an explosion happened as two people tried to enter the church. A destroyed motorbike was found at the scene and police said the two attackers had died. At least 14 people were reportedly wounded in the suspected suicide attack.

Following is the text of the Holy Father Angelus address, provided by the Vatican:

Dear brothers and sisters,

We have begun Holy Week. For the second time, we will live it within the context of the pandemic. Last year we were more shaken up; this year it is more trying for us. And the economic crisis has become heavy.

In this historical and social situation, what is God doing? He takes up the cross. Jesus takes up the cross, that is, he takes on the evil that this situation entails, the physical and psychological evil – and above all the spiritual evil – because the Evil One is taking advantage of the crisis to disseminate distrust, desperation, and discord.

And us? What should we do? The one who shows us is the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus, who is also his first disciple. She followed her Son. She took upon herself her own portion of suffering, of darkness, of confusion, and she walked the way of the passion keeping the lamp of faith lit in her heart. With God’s grace, we too can make that journey. And, along the daily way of the cross, we meet the faces of so many brothers and sisters in difficulty: let us not pass by, let us allow our hearts to be moved with compassion, and let us draw near. When it happens, like the Cyrenian, we might think: “Why me?” But then we will discover the gift that, without our own merit, has touched us.

Let us pray for all the victims of violence, in particular the victims of this morning’s attack in Indonesia, in front of the Cathedral of Makassar.

May the Madonna who always precedes us on the path of faith help us.

© Libreria Editrice Vatican

Jim Fair

Jim Fair has spent the past two decades as a communicator for Catholic organizations. He is a convert to the Catholic faith and is grateful to his wife, Charmaine, for her continuing efforts to save his soul. They have a son and daughter, both happily married, and four grandchildren. Before devoting his life full-time to things Catholic, Jim enjoyed a 23-year career in various communications roles for large corporations. Before that, he worked as a newspaper reporter, photographer, and editor. He has served as president of the Chicago Public Relations Forum, chairman of the American Petroleum Institute General Committee on Communications, and a fellow of Greater Leadership Chicago. He was a member of the founding committee of the chemical industry’s Responsible Care Program. Jim is an active member of St. John Vianney Parish in Northlake, Illinois, where he chairs the finance council.