“Pope leaves Marseille with a message of hope and gratitude”

Marseille International Airport: farewell ceremony

Vatican Media

Pope Francis’ farewell ceremony at Marseille International Airport took place on Saturday, September 23, 2023. The Pope was welcomed by French President Emmanuel Macron, the Cardinal of Marseille, Jean-Marc Aveline, and other dignitaries.

The Pope gave a short speech in which he thanked the French for their hospitality and expressed his hope that his visit had helped promote peace and understanding among religions.

The Pope then boarded his plane and took off from Marseille at 7:15 p.m.

The farewell ceremony was an emotional moment for the Pope and the many faithfuls who gathered to bid him farewell. Pope Francis is a respected leader around the world, and his visit to Marseille was an opportunity for the French to meet him and hear his words of peace.