04 March, 2025

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Pope Leads Rosary to End Pandemic

In Front of Our Lady of Help, in Gregorian Chapel of Vatican Basilica

Pope Leads Rosary to End Pandemic

Pope Francis led the Rosary to end the pandemic today, May 1, in front of Our Lady of Help, in the Gregorian Chapel of the Vatican Basilica. The event opened the prayer marathon with the theme “From the whole Church the prayer to God went up incessantly” (Acts 12: 5), to invoke the end of the pandemic.

Marathon Prayer Papa Rosario

The initiative, born of the Pope’s wish, has been promoted by the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization. Before beginning the Rosary, the Holy Father and Bishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Council, have placed a flower arrangement before the Virgin.

Afterward, Francis made an introductory prayer: “At the beginning of the month dedicated to Our Lady, we unite in prayer with all the shrines around the world, with the faithful and with all people of goodwill, to entrust to the hands of the Blessed Virgin the whole of humanity, very tested by this time of pandemic. Every day of this month of May we will entrust to You, Mother of Mercy, the many people who have been affected by the virus and who continue to suffer its consequences ”.

In addition, the Pope asked for the deceased and their families who “live with the pain and uncertainty of tomorrow”, for the “doctors, scientists and nurses who are in the front line of this battle, for the volunteers (…) for the professionals who have given their precious service on behalf of others ”, who have“ brought comfort to those in need ”. He also especially recalled women who “have suffered violence within the walls of their homes.”

The Bishop of Rome also prayed for the rulers of the nations, to work “helping those who lack what is necessary to live.” He especially asked Maria to touch the consciences of those who allocate huge sums of money to manufacture, perfect and consume weapons, so that those resources are used to prevent future catastrophes.

On the other hand, Pope Francis implored that humanity feel like a “great family” so that with a spirit of brotherhood and solidarity “we come to the aid of the many poverties and situations of misery.” “Oh most gracious, oh pious Virgin Mary, lead the steps of your pilgrims who are praying and calling in all the shrines dedicated to you throughout the world, who call to your intercession, be for each one a sure guide. Amen ”, he concluded.

Last year it was the sanctuaries of the world that connected with Rome on the afternoon of May 30 to pray the Rosary with the Successor of Peter in front of the Grotto of Lourdes, in the Vatican Gardens. In this year 2021, the participation of 30 Marian shrines from around the world has been prepared, which, in turn, will lead the prayer of the Rosary throughout the Church every day of May, a traditionally Marian month.

According to a note from the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization released on April 28, 2021, by reciting the Rosary, “each day of the month will be characterized by an intention of prayer in favor of the different categories of people most affected by the drama of the pandemic: for those who have not been able to say goodbye to their loved ones, for health personnel, for the poor, those who are homeless and have financial difficulties and for all the deceased … are some of the intentions that will mark the prayer to the Mother ”.

Likewise, the statement indicates, “each sanctuary in the world is invited to pray in the form and language in which local tradition is expressed, to invoke the resumption of social life, work and the many human activities that were suspended during the pandemic ”.