26 March, 2025

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Pope in Qaraqosh: When Faith Waivers, Remember Jesus Is at Your Side’ (Full Angelus)

Underscores 'Terrorism Never Has the Last Word' & Entrusts City's Rebirth to Mary

Pope in Qaraqosh: When Faith Waivers, Remember Jesus Is at Your Side’ (Full Angelus)
Pope in Qaraqosh - Copyright: Vatican Media

“Remember that Jesus is by your side. Do not stop dreaming! Do  not give up! Do not lose hope!” Pope Francis stressed this in his March 7 Angelus address while visiting the Qaraqosh Community at the Church of the Immaculate Conception during the last full day of his March 5-8 Apostolic Trip to Iraq.

“Surely, there will be moments when faith can waver, when it seems that God does not see or act,” Francis said, acknowledging this was true for them in the darkest days of the war, and it is true too in these days of global health crisis and great insecurity.

“At times like these,” the Holy Father underscored, “remember that Jesus is by your side. Do not stop dreaming! Do  not give up! Do not lose hope! From heaven the saints are watching over us. Let us pray to them and  never tire of begging their intercession. There are also the saints next-door, “who, living in our midst, reflect God’s presence.”

Pope Francis pointed out that this land has many of them, because it is a land of many holy men and women.

“Let them accompany you to a better future, a future of hope,” he said, adding forgiveness is needed on the part of those who survived the terrorist attacks. “Forgiveness; that is a key word. Forgiveness is necessary to  remain in love, to remain Christian.”

The road to a full recovery may still be long, he said, appealing: “but I ask you, please, not to grow discouraged.”

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Cardinal Sandri: Pope in Iraq, ‘Hope for Martyred Church’           

No to Terrorism & Manipulation of Religion

“What is needed is the ability to forgive, but also the courage not to give up. I  know that this is very difficult. But we believe that God can bring peace to this land. We trust in Him and, together with all people of good will, we say “no” to terrorism and the manipulation of religion.”  

“Father Ammar [who spoke], in recalling all that happened during the terrorist attacks and the war, you thanked the Lord who has always filled you with joy, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health.  Gratitude is born and grows when we remember God’s gifts and promises. Memory of the past shapes  the present and leads us forward to the future.”  

Francis called for everyone at at all times to thank God for his gracious gifts and ask him to grant his peace,  forgiveness and fraternity to this land and its people.

“Let us pray tirelessly,” the Pope appealed, “for the conversion of hearts  and for the triumph of a culture of life, reconciliation and fraternal love between all men and women, with respect for differences and diverse religious traditions, in the effort to build a future of unity and  cooperation between all people of good will. A fraternal love that recognizes “the fundamental values of  our common humanity, values in the name of which we can and must cooperate, build and dialogue, pardon and grow.”  

Entrusted Rebirth of City to Mary

The Pope noted that as he arrived by helicopter, he saw the statue of Mary on this Church of Immaculate Conception. 

“To her,” he said, “I entrusted the rebirth of this city. Our Lady does not only protect us from on high, but comes  down to us with a Mother’s love. Her image here has met with mistreatment and disrespect, yet the face  of the Mother of God continues to look upon us with love.”

For that is what mothers do, Francis said: “they console, they comfort and they give life.”

Francis said he would like to say “a heartfelt thank you to all the mothers and women of this country, women of courage who continue to give life, in spite of wrongs and hurts.”

“May women be respected and protected!” he urged. “May they be shown respect and provided with opportunities! And now, let us pray  together to our Mother, invoking her intercession for your needs and future plans. I place all of you under her intercession.”

Pope Francis concluded, asking to not forget to pray for him.  

While at the church, the Pope also signed a book of honor, where he wrote: “From this Church, destroyed and rebuilt, a symbol of the hope of Qaraqosh and of all Iraq, I ask of God, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, the gift of peace. FRANCIS.”

Here is the Vatican-provided text of the Pope’s Angelus address:


Official translation 

Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning!  

I am grateful to the Lord for the opportunity to be among you this morning. I have looked forward  to this time together. I thank His Beatitude Patriarch Ignace Youssif Younan for his words of welcome,  and Mrs Doha Sabah Abdallah and Father Ammar Yako for their testimonies. As I look out at you, I can  see the cultural and religious diversity of the people of Qaraqosh, and this shows something of the beauty  that this entire region holds out to the future. Your presence here is a reminder that beauty is not  monochrome, but shines forth in variety and difference.  

At the same time, with great sadness, we look around and see other signs, signs of the destructive  power of violence, hatred and war. How much has been torn down! How much needs to be rebuilt! Our  gathering here today shows that terrorism and death never have the last word. The last word belongs to  God and to his Son, the conqueror of sin and death. Even amid the ravages of terrorism and war, we can  see, with the eyes of faith, the triumph of life over death. You have before you the example of your  fathers and mothers in faith, who worshipped and praised God in this place. They persevered with  unwavering hope along their earthly journey, trusting in God who never disappoints and who constantly  sustains us by his grace. The great spiritual legacy they left behind continues to live in you. Embrace this  legacy! It is your strength! Now is the time to rebuild and to start afresh, relying on the grace of God,  who guides the destinies of all individuals and peoples. You are not alone! The entire Church is close to  you, with prayers and concrete charity. And in this region, so many people opened their doors to you in  time of need.  

Dear friends, this is the time to restore not just buildings but also the bonds of community that  unite communities and families, the young and the old together. The prophet Joel says, “Your sons and  your daughters shall prophecy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions”  (cf. Joel 3:1). When the old and the young come together, what happens? The old dream dreams, they  dream of a future for the young. And the young can take those dreams and prophecy, make them reality.  When old and young come together, we preserve and pass on the gifts that God gives. We look upon our  children, knowing that they will inherit not only a land, a culture and a tradition, but also the living fruits  of faith that are God’s blessings upon this land. So I encourage you: do not forget who you are and where  you come from! Do not forget the bonds that hold you together! Do not forget to preserve your roots!  

Surely, there will be moments when faith can waver, when it seems that God does not see or act.  This was true for you in the darkest days of the war, and it is true too in these days of global health crisis  and great insecurity. At times like these, remember that Jesus is by your side. Do not stop dreaming! Do  not give up! Do not lose hope! From heaven the saints are watching over us. Let us pray to them and  never tire of begging their intercession. There are also the saints next-door, “who, living in our midst, reflect God’s presence” (Gaudete et Exsultate, 7). This land has many of them, because it is a land of  many holy men and women. Let them accompany you to a better future, a future of hope.  One thing that Doha said moved me deeply. She said that forgiveness is needed on the part of  those who survived the terrorist attacks. Forgiveness; that is a key word. Forgiveness is necessary to  remain in love, to remain Christian. The road to a full recovery may still be long, but I ask you, please,  not to grow discouraged. What is needed is the ability to forgive, but also the courage not to give up. I  know that this is very difficult. But we believe that God can bring peace to this land. We trust in him  and, together with all people of good will, we say “no” to terrorism and the manipulation of religion.  Father Ammar, in recalling all that happened during the terrorist attacks and the war, you thanked  the Lord who has always filled you with joy, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health.  Gratitude is born and grows when we remember God’s gifts and promises. Memory of the past shapes  the present and leads us forward to the future.  

At all times, let us offer thanks to God for his gracious gifts and ask him to grant his peace,  forgiveness and fraternity to this land and its people. Let us pray tirelessly for the conversion of hearts  and for the triumph of a culture of life, reconciliation and fraternal love between all men and women, with  respect for differences and diverse religious traditions, in the effort to build a future of unity and  cooperation between all people of good will. A fraternal love that recognizes “the fundamental values of  our common humanity, values in the name of which we can and must cooperate, build and dialogue,  pardon and grow” (Fratelli Tutti, 283).  

As I arrived on the helicopter, I saw the statue of Mary on this Church of Immaculate Conception.  To her I entrusted the rebirth of this city. Our Lady does not only protect us from on high, but comes  down to us with a Mother’s love. Her image here has met with mistreatment and disrespect, yet the face  of the Mother of God continues to look upon us with love. For that is what mothers do: they console,  they comfort and they give life. I would like to say a heartfelt thank-you to all the mothers and women of  this country, women of courage who continue to give life, in spite of wrongs and hurts. May women be  respected and protected! May they be shown respect and provided with opportunities! And now, let us pray  together to our Mother, invoking her intercession for your needs and future plans. I place all of you under  her intercession. And I ask you, please, not to forget to pray for me.  

[Vatican-provided text]

Deborah Castellano Lubov

Deborah Castellano Lubov is Editorial Director & Senior Vatican & Rome Correspondent for EXAUDI (& Prior, for ZENIT); Author of 'The Other Francis' ('L'Altro Francesco') featuring interviews with those closest to the Pope and preface by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin (currently published in 5 languages); Deborah is also NBC & MSNBC Vatican Analyst. She often covers the Pope's travels abroad, often from the Papal Flight (including for historic trips such as to Abu Dhabi and Japan & Thailand), and has also asked him questions on the return-flight press conference on behalf of the English-speaking press present. Lubov has done much TV & radio commentary, including for NBC, Sky, EWTN, BBC, Vatican Radio, AP, Reuters and more. She also has contributed to various books on the Pope and has written for various Catholic publications. For 'The Other Francis': http://www.gracewing.co.uk/page219.html or https://www.amazon.com/Other-Francis-Everything-They-about/dp/0852449348/