Pope Francis to students of Leuven: “Continue with hope and work for a better future”

At a public event during his apostolic trip to Belgium, Pope Francis met with students of the prestigious Catholic University of Leuven, which is celebrating its 600th anniversary. The Pope encouraged the students to remain hopeful, work for a better future, and always seek the truth in their studies.

Reception and messages from the students

Francis was welcomed by members of the Rectoral Council, including Rector Françoise Smets, and signed the Book of Honour before entering the auditorium. The students presented him with a letter in which they reflected on issues such as environmental responsibility, the role of universities in awareness and change, and the need for a cultural and spiritual approach to confronting the current ecological and social crises.

The letter is the fruit of a collective effort between professors, young people, researchers and students, who discussed Pope Francis’ Encyclical ‘Laudato Si’, which focused on caring for our common home. The topics addressed include the philosophical and theological roots of the climate crisis, emotional commitment, inequality, the position of women and solidarity in the face of the climate emergency.

A message of hope

In his speech, the Pope warmly thanked the students for sharing their concerns and praised the “passion and hope” in their desire for justice and search for truth. He acknowledged the problems raised in the letter, such as war, the indiscriminate exploitation of resources and people in the Global South, and the responsibilities of the Church in legitimizing the European colonial past. The Pope condemned any use of religion for domination as a blasphemous distortion of the image of God.

Attitudes towards creation

Referring to the relationship between Christianity and ecology, the Pope highlighted three attitudes to be cultivated: gratitude for God’s creation, mission to protect and cultivate creation for future generations, and fidelity to both God and humanity. He regretted that the preservation of the environment continues to be hindered by powerful economic interests and urged students to consider not only the cultivation of ideas, but also of the world.

The role of women and education

The Pope reflected on the role of women in the Church and society, addressing issues of gender violence and injustice. He stressed the importance of collaboration and mutual respect, rejecting any notion of rivalry between men and women.

Regarding the academic training of students, Francis encouraged them to follow their own style of study, recalling that they are part of a community. He invited them to study with the aim of living a full life and to work not only for personal benefit, but for the common good.

The search for truth

Concluding his speech, the Pope urged students to seek and bear witness to the truth in their studies, since “the truth makes us free.” Without it, study becomes an instrument of power and control, rather than serving others.

Final reflections

Pope Francis left a clear and forceful message: hope, work for a better future and the constant search for truth are essential to face the challenges of today’s world. With his visit, he inspired the students of the Catholic University of Louvain to continue their mission with passion and commitment.