09 March, 2025

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Pope Francis sends his message to the Congregation of the Mission for the 400th anniversary of its founding

In a message addressed to the Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, the Holy Father emphasized the importance of the Vincentian spirit for “the renewal of the Church in our time”

Pope Francis sends his message to the Congregation of the Mission for the 400th anniversary of its founding

“I pray that this significant anniversary will be an occasion of great joy and renewed fidelity to the concept of missionary discipleship, founded on the imitation of Christ’s preferential love for the poor”: with these words, Pope Francis expresses, in a message addressed to the Superior General of the Congregation of the Mission, Father Tomaž Mavrič CM, his closeness on the occasion of the fourth centenary of the Congregation founded by St. Vincent de Paul on April 17, 1625

St. Vincent, however, considered January 25, 1617, to be the effective date of the foundation, as it marked his realization of being called to bring the Gospel to the poor.

In his message, Pope Francis retraces the early steps of the Congregation of the Mission, highlighting its growth up to the present day. He reflects on the spiritual heritage, apostolic zeal and pastoral care that St. Vincent de Paul passed on to the entire universal Church.

The Pope expresses his hope that the celebrations of the fourth centenary will highlight the essential aspects of the saint’s action, so that today, as yesterday, they can benefit young people: “I hope that the celebrations of the fourth centenary will emphasize the importance of St. Vincent’s vision of serving Christ in the poor for the renewal of the Church in our time, in missionary discipleship, and in helping the needy and abandoned in the many peripheries of our world, as well as on the margins of a superficial and ‘throwaway’ culture. I am convinced that St. Vincent’s example can particularly inspire young people, who, with their enthusiasm, generosity, and concern for building a better world, are called to be bold and courageous witnesses of the Gospel among their peers and wherever they may be.”

There are many people, on every continent, who have embraced Vincentian spirituality and lived it heroically, following in the footsteps of St. Vincent. As the Holy Father notes, they have been driven by the “fire of love” that burned in the heart of the Incarnate Son of God and led Him to identify with the poor and marginalized.

The Vincentian Family today continues to initiate works of charity, undertake new missions, and assist in spiritual direction, as well as in the formation of clergy and laity. An example of this is the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, founded in 1833 by Blessed Frederic Ozanam, which the Pope describes as “an extraordinary force for good at the service of the poor, with hundreds of thousands of members worldwide.”

The Pope also recalls two other Vincentian foundations: in 1617, the “Confraternities of Charity,” known today as the International Association of Charity or Vincentian Volunteers, and in 1633, together with St. Louise de Marillac, the “Daughters of Charity,” which the Holy Father describes as “a revolutionary form of feminine community” for its time. While religious women of that era lived in monasteries, St. Vincent encouraged his sisters to go out into the streets of Paris to care for the poor and sick.

Today, St. Vincent’s spiritual children manifest similar creativity with initiatives such as the Vincentian Family Homeless Alliance. This international project, inspired by the example of St. Vincent, who in 1643 built thirteen houses for the poor in Paris, seeks to provide affordable housing for the homeless.

The Pope concludes his message by imparting the Apostolic Blessing and quoting St. Vincent de Paul: “I pray that, inspired by your Founder, you may continue to model your life and work after the exhortation to humility and apostolic zeal that he addressed to the first members of the Congregation: ‘Courage, brothers, let us devote ourselves with renewed love to the service of the poor, let us seek out even the most wretched and abandoned. Let us acknowledge before God that they are our lords and masters, and that we are not worthy to render them our humble services.’”

About the 400-Year Jubilee

On April 17, 2025, the Congregation of the Mission will celebrate a historic milestone: the commemoration of 400 years since its founding. With this Jubilee, the Congregation reaffirms its charism and embarks on a period of preparation, committed to living continuously in a prophetic, synodal, and missionary spirit, key expressions of its spirituality. To mark this anniversary, various initiatives will take place in the countries where the Congregation is present. These celebrations will culminate in a Solemn Mass on May 1, 2025, in Paris (the Mass will not be held on April 17, 2025, the anniversary date, as it coincides with Holy Thursday). More information: cmglobal.org/en/4th-centenary-of-foundation-of-the-cm

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