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General Audience , Pope Francis

29 January, 2025

6 min

Pope Francis: “Saint Joseph, a model of trust in God”

General Audience

Pope Francis: “Saint Joseph, a model of trust in God”

At the general audience of January 29, 2025, Pope Francis focused his catechesis on the figure of Saint Joseph, highlighting him as a model of trust and openness to divine designs. The Holy Father recalled how Saint Joseph, after receiving the angel’s message in a dream, overcame his initial doubts and accepted Mary as his wife, thus welcoming the Son of God into his home.

In addition, the Pontiff emphasized that Saint Joseph is an example of love and dedication, showing how faith and obedience can guide us in times of uncertainty. Like Saint Joseph, we are called to trust in God and be receptive to His will, allowing Him to guide us on our path.

In conclusion, Pope Francis encouraged the faithful to look to Saint Joseph as a model of Christian life, highlighting his humility, faith and willingness to serve others. He invited everyone to ask for the intercession of St. Joseph to strengthen our faith and trust in God.

This reflection is part of the Pope’s series of catechesis on “Jesus Christ, our hope,” in the context of the Jubilee Year. Through these teachings, Francis seeks to delve deeper into the biblical figures that inspire us to live a more committed and hopeful faith.

The following text includes parts that were not read out loud, but should be considered as such.

Cycle of Catechesis – Jubilee 2025. Jesus Christ our Hope. I. The Infancy of Jesus. 3. «You are to name Him Jesus» (Mt 1:21). The annunciation to Joseph

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Today we will continue to contemplate Jesus our hope in the mystery of His origins, as narrated by the infancy Gospels.

Whereas Luke lets us do so from the perspective of the mother, the Virgin Mary, instead Matthew takes the perspective of Joseph, the man who assumes the legal paternity of Jesus, grafting him onto the trunk of Jesse and linking him to the promise made to David.

Indeed, Jesus is the hope of Israel which is fulfilled: He is the descendent promised to David (cf. 2 Sam 7:12; 1Cr 17:11), who makes his home “blessed for ever” (2 Sam 7:29); He is the shoot that buds from the trunk of Jesse (cf. Is 11:1), the “righteous Branch, [who] shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land” (cf. Jer 23:5; 33:15).

Joseph enters the scene in the Gospel of Matthew as Mary’s betrothed. For the Hebrews, betrothal was a full legal bond, which prepared for what would happen around a year later, the celebration of marriage. It was then that the woman passed from the father’s custody to that of her husband, moving into his home and making herself willing to the gift of motherhood.

It is precisely during this time that Joseph discovers Mary’s pregnancy, and his love is harshly put to the test. Faced with a similar situation, which would have led to the termination of the betrothal, the Law suggested two possible solutions: either a legal act of a public nature, such as the convocation of the woman in court, or a private action such as giving the woman a letter of repudiation.

Matthew defines Joseph as a “righteous” man (zaddiq), a man who lives according to the Law of the Lord, and who draws inspiration from this in every occasion of his life. Thus, following the Word of God, Joseph acts thoughtfully: he does not let himself be overcome by instinctive feelings and fear of accepting Mary with him, but prefers to be guided by divine wisdom. He chooses to part with Mary quietly, privately (cf. Mt 1:19). And this is Joseph’s wisdom, which enables him not to make mistakes and to make himself open and docile to the voice of the Lord.

In this way, Joseph of Nazareth brings to mind another Joseph, son of Jacob, dubbed the “lord of dreams” (cf Gen 37:19), greatly beloved by his father and much loathed by his brothers, whom the Lord raised up by having him sit in the Pharaoh’s court.

Now, what does Joseph of Nazareth dream of? He dreams of the miracle that God fulfils in Mary’s life, and also the miracle that he works in his own life: to take on a fatherhood capable of guarding, protecting and passing on a material and spiritual inheritance. The womb of his bride is pregnant with God’s promise, a promise that bears a name in which the certainty of salvation is given to all (cf. Acts 4:12).

As he sleeps, Joseph hears these words: “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home. For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus because he will save his people from their sins” (Mt 1:20-21). Faced with this revelation, Joseph does not ask for further proof; he trusts. Joseph trusts in God, he accepts the God’s dream of his life and that of his betrothed. He thus enters into the grace of one who knows how to live the divine promise with faith, hope and love.

Joseph, in all of this, does not utter a word, but he believes, hopes and loves. He does not express himself with “idle words”, but with concrete deeds. He belongs to the lineage of those who, according to the apostle James, “put the Word into practice” (cf. James 1:22), translating it into deeds, flesh, life. Joseph trusts in God and obeys: “His inner watchfulness for God … leads quite spontaneously to obedience” (Benedict XVI, The Infancy Narratives, Milan-Vatican City 2012, 57).

Sisters, brothers, let us, too, ask the Lord for the grace to listen more than we speak, the grace to dream God’s dreams and to welcome responsibly the Christ who, from the moment of our baptism, lives and grows in our life. Thank you!


Special greetings:

I extend a warm welcome to the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors, especially those from Australia, the United States and Hong Kong. I greet in particular the faculty and students from the Australian Catholic University and Franciscan University of Stuebenville. With wishes that the present Jubilee of Hope may be for you and your families a time of grace and spiritual renewal, I invoke upon you all the joy and peace of the Lord Jesus.


Summary of the Holy Father’s words:

Dear brothers and sisters: In our continuing catechesis on this Holy Year’s theme of “Jesus Christ our Hope”, today we reflect on the experience of Saint Joseph, born of the royal house of David and called to be the legal father of Jesus, the promised Messiah. The Scriptures describe Joseph as a “just” man, obedient to the Law and docile to the will of the Lord. His role in the fulfilment of God’s saving plan was made known to him in a dream; with great faith and trust, he responded by taking Mary as his wife and making a home for the incarnate Son of God. Joseph is the model of quiet faith born of openness and obedience to God’s word. Like him, may we respond generously to God’s plan for our lives and through the practice of hope and love, welcome Jesus into our hearts and homes.