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Pope Francis

17 September, 2024

7 min

Pope Francis: Fraternity is the Answer to Indifference

Video message addressed to the participants of the meeting “#MED24

Pope Francis: Fraternity is the Answer to Indifference
Vatican News

The Pope at MED24 asked the young people of the Mediterranean to help the region “recover its expression of fraternity and peace” and stop being “a graveyard”


He did so through a message he sent to the young people participating in Albania at MED 24 in Tirana. Inspired by the previous Mediterranean Meetings, the event aims to create a spirit of fraternity following Francis’ call to build bridges of dialogue between the different religions and cultures of the Mediterranean.


(Tirana, 09/17/2024) – Pope Francis invited the young people of the Mediterranean to “be tireless pilgrims of hope and to follow the signs of God,  so that the Mediterranean area may recover his best feature: the expression of fraternity and peace, and it could be no longer a graveyard.”

He did so by sending a video message to the fifty young people participating in MED 24 Tirana, a new edition of the Mediterranean Encounters —organized by the Catholic Church with the collaboration of Mediterranean actors, such as Mar Yam— that aims to address the challenges and opportunities present in the Mediterranean region. These meetings focus on themes such as peace, interreligious and cultural dialogue, human dignity, and migration.

Under the motto “Pilgrims of hope, builders of peace,” suggested by the Archdiocese of Tirana-Durazzo, in continuity with the Jubilee motto, MED 24 Tirana follows the Pope‘s call to build bridges of dialogue between the different religions and cultures of the Mediterranean. 


The future of the Mediterranean region

The MED 24 Tirana meeting, which began last Sunday and will last until Saturday, September 21, received a message from Pope Francis in which he recalled his visit to Albania ten years ago: “As I said on that occasion to the young people: ‘You are the new generation of Albania’, now I want to add, for you, dear young people who come from the five shores of the Mediterranean Sea, ‘you, the new generation, are the future of the Mediterranean region.

“Peace needs to be built! God loves every man; He makes no differences among us. The fraternity between the five shores of the Mediterranean that you are establishing it is the answer – really it’s an answer! –, the best answer we can offer to the conflicts and the deadly indifferences,” Francis emphasized in his video message.


A gate of peace in Tirana

At the opening of the meeting held on Monday morning, the Bishop of Tirana, Msgr. Arjan Dodaj, F.d.C., welcomed the 50 young people participating in MED 24 Tirana and told them: “Dear young people, our wish is that you may experience Albania as a place of that laboratory of peace that emerges as a peculiarity of its interreligious experience”.

Monsignor Dodaj emphasized how Tirana has been a facilitator of an enriching exchange between cultures: “Always, in its history, our land has been a place of intersection and passage, and what does it mean to be a ‘door’ if not that one passes, on one side, and the other always finds a welcome? The routes are different, but the door unites them all without homologating them”. And he added: “The same happens with the Mediterranean Sea, the ‘Mare Nostrum’. Because of the history that characterizes it, because of the diversity of its realities, its cultures and even its trials, it constitutes a mosaic to which today we would like to give the shape of a door. And so, once again, this door, these days, passes through Tirana”.


Young people, builders of peace

Young people in the Mediterranean face several challenges that threaten their future: destabilization and humanitarian crises generated by conflicts and wars in the area, financial and employment instability, and a lack of educational and professional development opportunities.

MED24 Tirana, inspired by the previous Mediterranean Meetings, aims to create a spirit of fraternity. The event follows Pope Francis’ call to build bridges of dialogue between the different religions and cultures of the Mediterranean, transforming the region into a symbol of peace, hope and universal fraternity.

For one week, 50 young people from diverse cultures, faiths and realities from the five shores of the Mediterranean will meet with an agenda based on dialogue, cultural visits, moments of prayer and meditation, as well as working on crucial issues such as peace, migration and human dignity. 

Thursday will be a special day dedicated to fostering meaningful exchanges with workshops designed to promote dialogue between the bishops and the young participants. The day will focus on three main themes: education, communication, and integral development in peacebuilding.

Ten years after Pope Francis’ visit to Albania, which became a historic milestone for the country, Tirana is once again hosting a significant event featuring young people from all over the Mediterranean. The meeting is a call to action for young people from diverse cultures to come together to build a more just and supportive future for the Mediterranean. 


Below we publish the text of the Video Message that the Holy Father Francis sent to the participants of the Med24 Meeting – Pilgrims of Hope. Builders of Peace, the fourth stage of the Mediterranean Meetings, following the events of Bari, Florence and Marseille, which are taking place in Tirana, Albania, from 15 to 21 September 2024:

Video message of the Holy Father


Dear Friends, dear young people from Albania and from the Mediterranean area,

it’s a great joy for me to know you are gathered in Tirana ten years after my visit to your beloved country, in 2014 – and I don’t forget, be sure! -, and I remember of that unforgettable journey, when I met your people, a people enriched with several different faces but united by the same courage. As I told in that occasion to the youth: “You are the new generation of Albania” (Angelus, Tirana, 21 settembre 2014). Now I want to add, for you dear young people coming from the five shores of the Mediterranean Sea:  “you, the new generation, are the future of the Mediterranean region”.

We are all pilgrims of hope, walking in search of the truth, living our faith and building peace – because peace needs to be built! God loves every man; He makes no differences among us. The fraternity between the five shores of the Mediterranean that you are establishing it is the answer – really it’s an answer! –, the best answer we can offer to the conflicts and the deadly indifferences.

I invite you to learn together to discern the signs of the times. Contemplate the difference of your traditions like a richness, a richness God wants to be. Unity is not uniformity, and the diversity of your cultural and religious identities is a gift of God. Unity in diversity. Let mutual esteem grow among you, following the witness of your forefathers.

Put in the middle the voice of those who are not considered, and here I’m thinking of the poorest people, all those who suffer to be regarded as a burden or a trouble. I’m thinking about those who are forced to leave their countries, even in a very young age, to search a better future. Please, take care of everybody: they are not simply numbers, but persons, and each person is sacred. We are talking about individual faces whose dignity must be improved and protected. Let’s renounce the culture of indifference, to open the door of acceptance and friendship.

Just like in a great Lake of Tiberias that is now entrusted to your care, you inhabit the shores of this sea that connects you – Mediterranean connects you! It gathers you just like in a beautiful garden you are called to cultivate. Then you preserve the spirit of service in every circumstance, taking care of each creature entrusted to your hands. You may walk following the footsteps of your martyrs. Their courage is a living witness that can inspire your commitment in resisting to all violence disfiguring our humanity, as Blessed Maria Taci made, when she was only 22 years old.

I commend all of you to Mary, “Mother of Good Counsel”. She had always turned her maternal glaze, in love as in sorrow, on the events of your land. You learn from her Immaculate Heart to be unresting pilgrims of hope and to follow the signs of God, so that Mediterranean area may recover his best feature: the expression of fraternity and peace, and it could be no longer a graveyard!



Holy See Press Office Bulletin, 17 September 2024


MED24 Pope Francis Video Message


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