Pope Francis: Christian Service Doesn’t Say “I’ve Served, Now It’s Someone Else’s Turn”

Emphasizing that true Christian service is rooted in love and dedication, Pope Francis canonizes new saints who exemplified a life of selfless service

Pope Francis presided over the canonization Mass for 14 new saints at St. Peter’s Square, emphasizing that these new saints lived according to Jesus’ style: service. “The faith and apostolate they carried out did not feed worldly desires or ambitions for power; rather, they became servants to their brothers and sisters,” the Pontiff stated.

Fourteen New Saints

During the heartfelt ceremony, Pope Francis delivered a homily dedicating words to the new saints: “Throughout humanity’s tumultuous history, they were faithful servants—men and women who served in both martyrdom and joy, like Brother Manuel Ruiz López and his companions. They are priests and fervent consecrated women with a missionary passion, such as Father José Allamano, Sister María Leonia Paradis, and Sister Elena Guerra.”

Francis highlighted that these new saints embodied the style of Jesus, which is “service.” “The faith and apostolate they carried out did not feed worldly desires or ambitions for power; rather, they became creative servants of their brothers and sisters, steadfast in difficulties and generous to the end.”

The Victor is the One Who Serves with Love

Pope Francis reminded us that Jesus invites us to think not according to the world’s standards but in line with God’s style. In today’s Gospel according to Mark, the disciples James and John request to sit at Jesus’ right and left in His glory, revealing their desire for power. However, Jesus emphasizes the importance of service. “On His right and left will be two thieves, crucified like Him on the cross, not seated on thrones of power. The victor is not the one who dominates, but the one who serves out of love,” the Pope emphasized.

“Jesus reveals that He is not the Messiah they expect,” the Pope said, “but the God of love, who humbles Himself to reach the humble; who becomes weak to lift up the weak; who works for peace and not for war; who came to serve and not to be served.”

Service as a Style of Christian Life

Francis explained that, like the disciples and the fourteen new saints, we too can learn God’s style of “service.” How? “By following Him, walking in His footsteps, and embracing the gift of His love that transforms our way of thinking,” the Pope clarified.

We should long for service, not power, for “service is the Christian way of life,” the Pope reminded us. “It’s not about a checklist of things to do, as if, once completed, we could consider our turn finished; those who serve with love do not say: ‘Now it’s someone else’s turn.’ This is a way of thinking like employees, not like witnesses.”

Before concluding his homily, the Pope reminded us that service “is born of love,” and love “knows no boundaries, makes no calculations, consumes itself, and gives itself.” In fact, he specified, “when we learn to serve, every gesture of attention and care, every expression of tenderness, every act of mercy becomes a reflection of God’s love. And thus, we continue the work of Jesus in the world.”