28 March, 2025

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Pope Francis calls for unity in Papua New Guinea

On the fifth day of his apostolic trip, the Pontiff calls for allocating goods to the entire community and for an end to aggression between tribal groups

Pope Francis calls for unity in Papua New Guinea

Pope Francis began his visit to Papua New Guinea on Friday, September 6, on his 45th apostolic trip to Southeast Asia, which began on September 2 in Indonesia, now continuing in Papua New Guinea, and which will see him until the 13th in two other countries: Timor, Leste and Singapore.

In his central speech today, Saturday, addressed to the diplomatic corps and the authorities, the Pontiff indicated “Your country, in addition to islands and languages, is also rich in land and water resources.” He stressed that “God destines these goods for the whole community, and although their exploitation requires the use of broader powers and large international companies, it is right that the distribution of income and the use of labor should take due account of the needs of local populations, to bring about an effective improvement in their living conditions.”

The Pope also asked “that tribal violence cease, which unfortunately causes many victims, does not allow people to live in peace and hinders development.” He called on everyone “to stop the spiral of violence and to take a decisive path that leads to fruitful collaboration, for the benefit of all the people of the country.”

“I congratulate the Christian communities for the charitable works they carry out in the country,” he said in conclusion, “and I urge them to always seek collaboration with public institutions and with all people of good will, starting with the brothers of other Christian communities, confessions and other religions, for the common good of all the citizens of Papua New Guinea.”

In the afternoon, the Holy Father Francis visited the Caritas Technical Secondary School and the children of Street Ministry and Callan Services. A disabled child and another street child addressed the Pope, thanking Callan Services and the work of the Archdiocese in favor of the needy. The Pope addressed them with words full of affection, giving them his blessing amid cheers and applause.

To conclude the agenda of the day, the Pontiff arrived at the Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians. He greeted you all with affection: bishops, priests, religious men and women, seminarians and catechists. I thank the President of the Episcopal Conference for his words, he said, and for directing his “outings” to the outskirts of the country. I think of the people who belong to the most disadvantaged sectors of the urban population, as well as those who live in the most remote and abandoned areas, where sometimes the necessities are lacking. And also of those who are marginalized and wounded, both morally and physically, by prejudices and superstitions, sometimes to the point of risking their lives.

May you continue your mission in this way, the Pontiff concluded, as witnesses of courage, beauty and hope!

Exaudi Staff