Pope Francis arrives in Jakarta to promote “faith, fraternity and compassion”

45th Apostolic Journey of the Pope

At 11.19 Indonesian time, the Airbus A330 of the ItaAirways company landed at the “Soekamo-Hatta” international airport in Jakarta, carrying with it Pope Francis, his entourage and more than 70 journalists who were accompanying him on the 45th Apostolic Journey of his pontificate. After the welcome at the foot of the plane, the Pontiff went to the Nunciature to meet a group of sick people, migrants and refugees. The first official activities will take place tomorrow, September 4.


After almost 13 hours of flight and having travelled thirty-three thousand kilometres over the skies of the Far East, at 11:19 Indonesian time on Tuesday 3 September, the Airbus A330 of the ItaAirways company landed at the Soekamo-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta, carrying with it Pope Francis, his entourage and more than 70 journalists who are accompanying him on the 45th Apostolic Journey of his pontificate.

On his arrival at the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta, the Holy Father Francis was welcomed by the Minister of Religious Affairs and by two children dressed in traditional costumes who gave him flowers.

After the greeting of the Delegations and the Guard of Honour, the Pope travelled by car to the Apostolic Nunciature, where he was greeted at the entrance of the building by the staff, a group of sick people and a group of migrants and refugees.