Pope Francis’ Apostolic Journey to Belgium and Luxembourg: Reflections and Messages

He concludes his 46th Apostolic Journey

Pope Francis concluded his 46th apostolic journey with a press conference on the return flight from Brussels to Rome. During this conference, the Holy Father addressed critical issues and shared his impressions of his visits to Luxembourg and Belgium, two countries representing diverse social and cultural realities.

Impressions of Luxembourg

Luxembourg impressed Pope Francis with its social and cultural balance. “Luxembourg surprised me with its balance, its welcome, and its culture. It is a message that can be given to Europe,” said the Pope, highlighting the importance of harmony and integration in Luxembourg society.

Testimony of Courage and Condemnation of Abortion

During his visit, Pope Francis paid tribute to King Baudouin of Belgium, highlighting his courage in abdicating in order not to sign an abortion law. In his remarks, the Pope reiterated his firm condemnation of abortion, calling it murder and saying that doctors who perform it are “hitmen.” He defended life from conception, arguing that “in the month of conception all the organs are already there… You kill a human being.”

Addressing Abuse in the Church

A recurring theme at the conference was the handling of sexual abuse within the Church. The Pope highlighted the Vatican’s efforts to address these cases through a specific structure, led by a Colombian bishop, and the Commission created by Cardinal O’Malley. Francis stressed the importance of listening to victims and providing them with support, including psychological treatment and fair compensation. “You cannot leave an abuser free in normal life, with responsibilities in parishes and schools,” the Pope said, emphasizing the need to protect the faithful and punish abusers.

Call for Peace and Proportionality in Defense

The Pope also spoke out on the recent bombings in Lebanon, condemning any disproportionate defense as immoral. “Defense must always be proportional to the attack,” he said, adding that disproportionate actions show a dominant trend that goes beyond morality. The Pope made an urgent call for a cessation of hostilities and respect for human life, highlighting the need for morality even in times of war.

Reflections on the Role of Women in the Church

The role of women in the Church was another topic addressed by the Pope, who defended the dignity and importance of the feminine. “The Church is a woman, she is the wife of Jesus,” he said, stressing that the Church’s motherhood is superior to the priestly ministry. Pope Francis criticized extreme feminism that seeks to masculinize women, arguing that the strength of the feminine lies in its essence and not in adopting masculine roles.

Pope Francis’ apostolic journey to Belgium and Luxembourg ended with a call to prayer and action. “I pray for you, you pray for me,” the Pope asked, reiterating his commitment to justice, peace and human dignity. The Holy Father also expressed his sorrow for the tragedies of migrants lost at sea, recalling the need to welcome and protect the most vulnerable.

This trip has been an opportunity for Pope Francis to reinforce his message of love, justice and respect for life, leaving a lasting impact on the countries visited and on the global community.

Visit to the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore

Upon his arrival in Rome, the Holy See Press Office reported that Pope Francis went to the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, where he stopped in prayer before the icon of the Virgin Salus Populi Romani. This visit underlines the Pope’s devotion and his gratitude for divine protection and guidance during his apostolic journey.