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Pope concerned about the situation in Somalia and Ukraine

The Holy Father's words after the Angelus

Pope concerned about the situation in Somalia and Ukraine
© Vatican Media

The Pope, in his words after the Angelus this Sunday, 14 August 2022, drew attention to the grave humanitarian crisis affecting Somalia and also asked the Lord for mercy and pity for the martyred Ukrainian people.

Finally, the Holy Father wished all the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square a happy Sunday.

The following are the Pope’s words after the Angelus prayer, provided by the Holy See Press Office:

Dear brothers and sisters,

I wish to draw your attention to the grave humanitarian crisis that afflicts Somalia and various zones of the neighbouring countries. The populations of this region, who already live in very precarious conditions, now find themselves in mortal danger due to drought. I hope that international solidarity can respond effectively to this emergency. Unfortunately, war diverts attention and resources, but these are the objectives that demand the utmost commitment: the fight against hunger, health, and education.

I address a warm greeting to you, faithful of Rome and pilgrims from various countries. I see Polish, Ukrainian, French, Italian and Argentine flags! So many pilgrims. I greet, in particular, the educators and catechists from the pastoral unit of Codevigo, Padua, university students of Salesian Youth Movement of Triveneto, and the young people of the pastoral unit of Villafranca, Verona.

And a special thought goes to the many pilgrims who are gathered today at the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Krakow, where twenty years ago Saint John Paul II performed the Act of Entrustment of the World to Divine Mercy. More than ever before, we see today the meaning of that gesture, which we must renew in prayer and in witness of life. Mercy is the way of salvation for every one of us, and for the entire world. And let us ask the Lord for special mercy, mercy and pity for the martyred Ukrainian people.

I wish you all a blessed Sunday. And please, do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your lunch, and arrivederci, also the young people of the Immacolata.

Exaudi Staff